HR: Compliance Tracking Codes


The Compliance Tracking Codes window is accessed from the Human Resources Menu, the Compliance Tracker By Employee screen, and the Compliance Tracker Quick Entry screen.

Recording a Failure

Just having a license or certification on file doesn’t mean ongoing compliance checks aren’t required. For example, a periodic motor vehicle report (MVR) check is run, and it is discovered that an employee has a violation on their record that would prevent them from working a particular job, even if their license is still technically valid. A failed compliance code can be logged and disqualify an employee from being added to a schedule.

Equivalent Codes

Spreading employees across multiple jobs and encouraging them to pick up shifts with the job board has become a trend that benefits employees and employers alike. However, not all jobs have the same compliance requirements and there may be an overqualified employee who wants to pick up a shift but can’t because they don’t have a lower-level qualification on file. For example, an armed guard wants to work at a job that requires an unarmed guard code or someone with a Level C CPR certification wants to work a job that only requires a Level A CPR certification. Equivalencies on the codes themselves can be set up so that less restrictive requirements are automatically covered by their more restrictive counterparts.

Pending Renewals and Initial Approvals

Finally, licensing boards have faced their own challenges in regards to processing initial licensing requests and renewals in a timely manner. Many of those agencies that recognize this issue have relaxed some of their rules and allowed for workers to either start or continue to work for a specific period of time while the bureaucratic backlog is cleared. In those situations, license compliance codes can be set up to allow employees to be scheduled while they are in one or both of these pending license stages and still remain in compliance.


To list all information associated with each Compliance Tracking Code, run the HR: Compliance Codes Report.

To show the status of each Compliance Code, run the HR: Compliance Status Report.

From the Job Costing Reports Menu, print a Compliance Codes by Job Report to list the compliance items designated for each selected Job.

From the Personnel Scheduling Reports Menu, print a Post Qualification Report to find qualified employees and also scheduled exceptions (those who are scheduled but are not qualified).

Key Functionality

General tab

Enter the name of a new Compliance Tracking Code task or view the name of an existing Compliance Tracking Code task.

After you have created a Compliance Tracking Code, the system displays this Description (usually with corresponding information) in related lists found in other areas of HR, Payroll, and Personnel Scheduling.

Type or select the Compliance Type you want to use. This can be used to help identify the purpose of each code.
Examples might be License, Training, Contracts, etc. All existing codes will display ‘Default’ type.

To add a new Compliance Type, double-click in the Type field, or type a new compliance Type and press Enter. The Compliance Types add/edit list displays.

Alert Engine tab

This tab is available if your company is licensed for the Compliance Alert Engine feature. It is used so the system will know how to respond to each Compliance Code. You can define scenarios for sending e-mail.

Example:  If a Code is coming due (or is due) because it was assigned to an employee's Classification, but the employee is not currently working a Post that requires that particular code, then perhaps the Alert e-mail should not be generated. You can define specific alert actions for each code.

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