WT: Google Maps


The Google Mapping feature provides a Web link to Google Maps in order to view maps and get directions in the United States and in Canada. Using the address you have entered in WinTeam, the link creates a map and centers it on the address you have specified.

There is a button next to the Address fields in the AR: Customer Master File, AR: Invoices, AR Recurring Invoices, AP Vendor Master File, Job Master File, Employee Master File, PAY: Direct Deposit Information, TeamBid Prospects, WS Schedules, Cash Accounts Setup, and SYS: Contacts that launches Google Maps.

Click the button in order to launch http://maps.google.com. The system will use the address you have entered and attempt to create a map.

If you would rather not display the Google Map button, you can use this Custom Setting to hide the button.

For more information see Custom Settings and List of Custom Settings.

Section Item Value
Team ShowMap No