TTP: Clock Message Responses
Note: New instances/applications of TTP are not currently being supported.
You can review the responses for any message from this read-only screen.
The TeamTime Portal Clock Message Responses may be accessed by clicking the Details button at the end of any row in the Message grid of the Device Messages screen.
Key Functionality
This column will display the number of the Employee who responded to the message.
This column will display the name of the Employee who responded to the message.
This column will display the date of the Employee's response. The date and time are based on the device Time Zone. The device Time Zone is designated in the Device Settings screen.
This column will indicate what the Employee's response was.
Responses are set up in the Response Type screen.
Click the Field Chooser button to display a list of possible fields to display in the Responses grid. In addition to the default fields above, two other fields are available.
This column will display the date the message was added to the Messages screen.
This column will display the text of the message displayed to the Employee. In case the message changes over time, the Message Text will appear exactly as it did at the time the Employee responded to it.