Processing Payroll

The following procedures have been created to assist you in processing a complete payroll. All of the procedures are performed from within the Payroll module.

  1. Add new Employees, if needed, through the Employee Master File.
  2. If are using TeamTime, make sure all Timekeeping Uploads have been completed.
  3. Go into Timekeeping. Enter Timesheet By Job, Timesheet By Employee or Daily Timekeeping.
  4. From the Reports menu, run the Timekeeping Report and the Hours By Employee Report. Review your time and check that total hours are correct. If not, go back to Timekeeping and correct the time.
  5. Go into the Check Processing Wizard and create a new batch for this pay period.
  6. Within the Check Wizard go through the filtering criteria (Negative Checks, Duplicate Checks, Rate Limit, and OT Hours Limit), edit and correct any problems.
  7. Compare the Batch Summary Totals on the Review and Edit Paychecks screen with the Timekeeping Report. The Total Hours should match. If the hours do not match, make any corrections in the Review and Edit Paychecks screen.
  8. Note:   If you add a deduction line while using Payroll Review and Edit, the entry will not be imported into AP Invoices since the record needs to "tie back" to a line item in the Employee Master File, Other Compensations and Deductions screen. In order for the deduction to be invoiced through AP, the deduction must be imported within the Employee Master File, Other Compensations and Deductions screen. For more information, see Updating Payroll Other Deductions to Accounts Payable Invoices.

  9. Go into General Ledger and preview all Journals (Payroll Tax, Labor Distribution, Other Compensations and Other Deductions). Check each report for accuracy. If these reports are not correct, find the error(s) and make the correction(s) in the Review and Edit Paychecks screen.
  10. Run the Payroll Check History Report by Batch. This report should tie back to the Journals and the total hours on the Timekeeping report. If these reports do not balance, find the error(s) and make the correction(s) in the Review and Edit Pay Checks screen.
  11. If all of the reports are correct, Print the checks.
  12. Look over the checks to make sure they are correct and aligned properly. If the checks are not correct, make the correction(s) and then re-print the checks.
  13. Once the checks are printed correctly, complete the General Ledger update.
  14. After the checks are updated to the General Ledger, you can print any other reports needed. (Employee W2 Report, Hours By Employee, Hours/Budget Comparison Report, and/or Payroll Check History).