Lookup Paychecks


The QL Access screen can be accessed from the following screens:

The QL Use screen enables you to filter for specific records.

You can filter the records based on Check Number, Check Date, Employee Number, Cash Account, First Name, Last Name, Cleared Status, Paycheck Company, Escheated Only.

The Cash Accounts and Cleared Status filters are only enabled when using the Lookup from the Review Checks screen.

Lookup Paychecks

Related Information

Key Functionality

Filter Criteria

You can filter the records based on Check Number, Check Date, Employee Number, Cash Account, First Name, Last Name, Cleared Status, Paycheck Company, Escheated Only.

Paycheck Company

This filter is visible only for Clients using the Multi-Company feature.

Filter the records by the employee's Company at the time the paycheck was created.

Leave the Paycheck Company field blank to display all records regardless of the company the check belonged to when the paycheck was created.

Escheated Only

This check box filters paychecks that have been Escheated. (Any check with an Escheated date is considered to have been Escheated).

Cash Account

The Cash Accounts filter is enabled when using the Lookup from the Review Checks screen.

Displays Cash Account that check was drawn from.

Cleared Status

The Cleared Status filter is enabled when using the Lookup from the Review Checks screen.

For information on grid functionality see Understanding Grids and Using the Filter Row Feature.