AR: Payment Wizard - Show All Batches


The Show All Batches screen displays all batches created through the Payment Wizard, including deleted batches.

You can edit Payment records when called from the Show All Batches batches screen, but you cannot add new Payment records.

The batches will list in descending Batch Number order.


  • Press ALT + B to go back to the Payment Wizard screen
  • Press ALT + N to view the Notes screen for the selected batch


Only Batches that have a Company Number that the logged in User has permission to view are included in the list.

AR: Payment Wizard - Show All Batches screen

Related Information

Key Functionality

Batch ID

Displays the Batch ID.

Date Created

Displays the date the batch was created.

Created By

Displays the User who created the batch.

Type of Batch

Displays either "Deposits" or "Credits".

GL Cash Account #

Displays the GL Cash Account # used for the payment.

Detail button

Click the Detail button to display the AR: Payments Batch Details screen.


Click Cancel to return to the AR Menu.


Click Back (or press ALT + B) to go back to the Payment Wizard screen.


Click Next (or press ALT + N) to view the Notes screen for the selected batch.


The Finish button is not available on this screen.