Lookup Vendors


The QL Access screen can be accessed from the following screens:

The QL Use screen enables you to filter for specific records.

You can filter the records based on Invoice Number, Company (if applicable), Vendor Name, City, State, Zip , and Active Only.

Setting focus

To search for a record in a list, select the Quick Lookup button.

To search for a record in a list with the focus set to the Number/ID field, press F4. To search for a record in a list, with the focus set to the Description/Name field, press F5.

If you are on a master file screen, you can press the shortcut key ALT + L to place your cursor in the Lookup field.

For information on grid functionality see Understanding Grids and Using the Filter Row Feature.

Key Functionality

Filter Criteria

You can filter the records based on Invoice Number, Company (if applicable), Vendor Name, City, State, Zip , and Active Only.


Field Chooser

Use the Field Chooser to select the columns to display in the grid.