WT: Custom Fields


Custom fields offer you a way to keep track of specific information for your unique business needs. While WinTeam already provides fields to record most common data, you may require other information from time to time. Custom fields allow you to set up and store that unique data.

WinTeam provides Custom Fields for all master files: Asset, Customer, Employee, Item, Job, and Vendor. Custom Fields display in their own tab of the master files. Each modules master file can contain up to 26 custom fields, except the Job Master File which can use up to 39 fields.

In addition to the master files, Custom Fields can also be set up in SYS: Contacts.

Check Security

Make sure you have access to a Security Group that includes the SYS Custom Field Setupscreen Security Group.

The SYS Custom Field Setup screen is part of the SYS Custom Field Setup Security Group and the SYS ALL Security Group.

To set up Custom Fields

  1. From any of the Master Files, double-click on a Custom Field caption and the Custom Field Setup window displays.
  2. Type or Select a Custom Field number to set up in the Lookup Custom Field. The Custom Field number corresponds to the Caption.
  3. The Caption you double-clicked defaults to the Custom Field tab as the new Caption description. Enter a description in the Caption field. You can enter up to 20 characters.
  4. Select a Field Type.
  5. Drop Down List - Drop-down lists are lists of choices. You can recognize them because they always appear next to the drop-down button. With this option, valid entries are stored in an add/edit list. This option is very useful, as it can be limited to a defined list of items. To add items to a drop down list, double-click in the field. This will open an add/edit list corresponding to the Caption (Custom Field 1).

    Text - A text field allows you to enter any text in the field. Entries are saved only on this form and are not stored in a file or list. There are no restrictions for data entry.

    Date - The date field is used to store dates in the field.

    Numeric - The numeric field allows only the entry of numeric data. Maximum 13-digits.

    Warning:  It is very important that you decide how each field is to be used prior to setting it up. If you attempt to change the setup you must first delete all of the information associated with this custom field.

    Tip:  To enter a phone number, it is best if the field is set up as a text field. This allows you to include dashes and parenthesis in the text.

  6. Select the Visible option if you want this Custom Field visible on the Master File screen. It is selected by default.
    Making the Custom Field invisible (unchecked) will hide the Custom Field caption. If you have made a Custom Field invisible and want to start using it again, double-click on a different Custom Field Caption to access the Custom Field Setup screen, and then choose the Custom Field you want to change to bring up that Custom Field Setup record.
  7. Note:  If you are not using any of the Custom Fields, you may clear this check box, so it is not visible on the Master File screen.

  8. Select the Required option you require this information to be entered when creating a new record.
  9. You can select to include this Custom Field when tabbing through the screen by selecting the Enable Tab Key Functionality option.
  10. Specify Validation Rules for the Custom Field, if applicable. Validation rules can be setup for date and numeric field types. You can also enter a default value to display.