AP: Credit Vendor Reconciliation


You can use Credit Vendor Reconciliation to reconcile a credit statement with the invoice, payment, and liability transfer transactions. The Vendors tab displays Credit Vendor accounts along with the Vendor Number, Vendor Name, date Last Reconciled, Balance, and an In Progress indicator. The Statement tab is used to enter information from the statement received from the Vendor. The Transactions tab is used to mark the invoices and payments that show on the statement as 'Cleared'. The Recap tab displays the Credit Account Recap, the difference amount between the calculated balance and the statement balance, Payment Summary information, and a Recap by Credit Vendor.

Once the Difference between the statement Ending Balance and the cleared transactions is zero ($0.00), you can create a payment invoice for the Vendor. A separate invoice is created for Service Charges and Finance Charges (if applicable). A .pdf file is also created and stored, and the Reconciliation History is updated. Invoices are prefixed with CCR- followed by the next sequential number.

The Credit Vendor Reconciliation screen can be accessed from the Accounts Payable Menu.

Key Functionality

The selected Vendor Number and Vendor Name display in the header area once you are on the Statement tab.

Related Information

Adding a Credit Vendor

Creating an invoice for purchases paid with a credit card

Creating an invoice for payment to a credit card vendor

Reconciling a Credit Vendor

Reconciling a Credit Vendor (Parent)

Understanding the credit reconciliation process

Reconciliation Report