HR: Compliance Alert Review


Use the Compliance Alert Review screen to review the e-mail alerts created by the system.

The Compliance Alert Review screen may be accessed from the Human Resources Menu or from the Compliance Tracking Codes (Alert Engine tab) screen by clicking the Alert Review button.

Alerts are generated in 2 ways:

  • Using PS Schedules and scheduling someone out of compliance
  • Using the Alert Engine to Schedule Alerts to occur at specific time parameters

The Compliance Alert Review screen can be resized and you can change the positions of the columns.


The Compliance Alert Review screen belongs to the HR Compliance Alert Review security group.

The HR Compliance Alert Review Group is part of the HR All and the SYS ALL security groups.

Tip:  For more information see Security Groups Overview and Security Groups By Module.

This screen has the Read-Only Feature. For more information see Learning about Read-Only Security.

Compliance Alert Review screen

Related Information

Key Functionality

The top of this screen includes a number of filters that may be used to reduce the columns in the grid. When a filter is used, it will be removed as a column, thus reducing the columns that display. You can filter by Employee #, Job Number, Compliance Code, Location, Scheduler User Name, Date Created, Date Sent, records with or without errors, Type, or Sent Type. You can also select to show address details on this screen.

Requery button

Click the Requery button to refresh the screen after selecting or changing filters.

Purge All button

Click the Purge All button to purge the information you have filtered.

Warning:  Make sure that you do not change any filter criteria before hitting the Purge All button since the filter criteria is what is used to purge. If you deleted all criteria options and did not Requery, the list could show limited records, but when the purge occurs, it would purge all the records. Be Careful!

Alert grid

Compliance Description

Displays the Description from the Compliance Tracking Code screen.

Location Description

Displays the Location Description.

Employee Number

Displays the Employee Number.

Emp Name

Displays the Employee Name.

Job Number

Displays the Job Number.

Job Description

Displays the Job Description (Job Name).

Generated By Desc

This field displays either Engine (if generated by the Compliance Alert Engine, sending e-mail of compliance items that are due or overdue) or Scheduling (if generated by the Personnel Schedules screen, scheduling someone out of compliance).

Scheduler User Name

If the alert was generated from Scheduling, the User Name who scheduled the out of compliance person displays here. If the alert was generated by the Alert Engine, this field will be blank.


Displays the date that the record was created.

Schedule Date

Displays the date the employee was scheduled causing the out of compliance issue.

Compliance Due Date

Displays the due date of the compliance item for the scheduled employee.

Computations Notes

Displays the area that caused the out of compliance item.

Out of Compliance item may have come from Job Requirements, PS Post Requirements, PS Job/PS Post Requirements, Primary Job - Job Requirements, TK Job - Job Requirements Groups, Employee Type Requirements, or Classification Requirements.

Double-click on the blue text to open the zoom screen to read all details.

E-mail Subject

Displays the subject line of the e-mail that was sent.

E-mail Message

Displays the message body of the e-mail that was sent.

Double-click on the blue text to open the zoom screen to read all details.

Process Date

Displays the date the e-mail was processed. This does not indicate that the message was actually sent, it just means it was processed to be sent. If there was a problem with the e-mail address, the system will display the message as processed.

Process Errors

Displays errors that were encountered during processing.

Double-click on the blue text to open the zoom screen to read all details.