Exporting Query Results

You can specify the file type Query Scheduler creates when it runs a query, and you can specify designated recipients to whom to export the file, and various delivery methods for the export.

To set up Query Scheduler to automatically export a query results file you must do the following:

  • Set up the file type
  • Set up the export type

Note:  You can use the attached template as a guide for exporting. Right click and choose "Save As..." (or "Save Target as...") to download this file, sample file.

Set up the file type

Query Scheduler can create two types of files for query results:

  • Delimited files with the .csv extension
  • Excel files

Query Scheduler can either zip or encrypt the query results file before sending it to designated recipients.

Note:  You can only specify one file type per query.

When you set up a file type, you must specify the name. You can use the following variables in the name:

Variable Replacement text
%ID% Query ID number
%yyyyMMdd% Year, month, and day the query results file is created
%HHmm% Hour and minute the query results file is created

Note:  TEAM Software recommends you use variables in the file name. If you do not and you select the Overwrite Existing File check box, new queries with the same name are not saved.

Set up the export type

You can designate recipients of the query results file, and you can specify whether to send them an email with the file attached or to FTP the file. You can set up Query Scheduler to send query results as an attachment to an email to designated recipients each time the query is run.

Note:  If you send query results to an email group, you must include certain information in the query. For details, see Custom Queries.

Related Information

About Custom Queries

About System Queries

Storing Query Scheduler Result Files

Testing a Query