Storing Query Scheduler Result Files

When Query Scheduler runs, a query results file is created - a file that contains the results of the query. The query results csv files are retained until the number of days to purge has been reached. You can specify where the results are stored (Primary Folder Path) and number of days to keep until purged on the Query Scheduler Setup screen.

WinTeam creates sub folders based on the Query Scheduler ID.

If you run Query Scheduler records ID 1, ID 2, and ID 3, your file structure will look like this:

<primary folder name>\1

<primary folder name>\2

<primary folder name>\3

Query results file name

The query results file name is based on the setting on the Query Scheduler (Export Settings tab). You can use a static file name or a variable file name. The variables and the values they return are as follows:

Variable Value
%ID% Query ID number
%yyyyMMdd% Year, month, and day the query results file is created
%HHmm% hour and minute the query results file is created

Related Information

Setting Up the Query Scheduler