QA: Creating Checkpoints

WinTeam users can create new Checkpoints using the Quality Assurance module building blocks, including Items, Areas, Response Systems and Templates. Each step builds upon the previous step until an entire Checkpoint is created.

Before you get into the system and start creating building blocks and actual Checkpoints, you should think about several things first:

  • What exactly do you want to have evaluated? Checkpoints can be anything from building inspections to internal employee surveys.
  • What things will be evaluated in the Checkpoint? Break it down into individual Items. It may help to write out all the points that should be addressed in the Checkpoint.

    For building inspections this might be floors, walls, elevators, restrooms, office spaces, etc.

    For other inspections, Items like whether the employee's badge is visible, whether the employee is dressed appropriately, whether the employee is at his/her scheduled post might be considered.

    For employee surveys, questions discussing whether the employee understands expectations or feels his/her thoughts and ideas are heard might be relevant Items.

  • Can the Items you've come up with be grouped into different related Areas? For example, you may break a building into Areas by rooms, floors, or other locations. An employee survey may have an area on employee satisfaction or company values.
  • How important are the Items and Areas you've come up with? Are some more important that others -- in other words, do some Areas or Items hold more weight than others?
  • How should each Item be responded to? Is a Yes or No option sufficient or should a scale be in place?
  • Are there certain Jobs, or even Tiers, you would like to tie to a specific Checkpoint? Are there some Jobs that should be excluded from certain Checkpoints?
  • How do you want to results to be reported for Checkpoints that are completed? Should they be available on eHub? Should completed Checkpoints be able to be changed?

To create a new Checkpoint in WinTeam:

  1. Start by creating Item Types. Double-click the Type field in the QA: Items screen to display the Item Types window. These types can be used for grouping, sorting and filtering on Checkpoint reports.

    Keep in mind that these Types will be ALL possible Item Types for every type of Checkpoint you might create. So, if you plan to create Daily Activity Reports, Customer Surveys and Building Inspections, all Item Types related to each of these kinds of Checkpoints should be entered here. The same goes for Items, Area Types, Areas and Response Systems.

    It may help to start with one kind of Checkpoint, like a building inspection, and build the entire Checkpoint for the building inspection. Then go back and build for other kinds of Checkpoints.

  2. Then create your Items. See Creating Questions for a Checkpoint for more information.
  3. In the QA: Areas screen, double-click the Type field to set up your Area Types. These types can be used for grouping, sorting and filtering on Checkpoint reports.
  4. Once the Area Types have been created, set up your Areas.
  5. Then, create your response systems. See Indicating Available Responses for Questions for more information on this process.
    • When you have Items, Areas and Response Systems, you can put all those together into a Checkpoint Template. These Templates will be used to build Checkpoints. The Template determines the structure the Checkpoint will have as well the availability of the Checkpoint.
  6. From the QA: Checkpoint Templates screen, double-click the Types field. Enter descriptions for each of the different Types of Checkpoint Templates you plan to create, such as Daily Activity Report, Inspections and Surveys. These types can be used for grouping, sorting and filtering on Checkpoint reports.
  7. Once you have created Checkpoint Template Types, then you can set up your Checkpoint Template.
    1. Start by entering a unique Description for the Template.
    2. Select a Type from the list.
    3. Select a Response System from the list.
    4. Enter a Quality Objective. The Q.O. is the minimum desired score on a Checkpoint. For more on Q.O.'s, see QA: Checkpoint Templates.
    5. Select the Active check box if you want this Template to be available to associate with Checkpoints.
    6. Select Allow New for ESS and/or CSS if you want users to be able to complete a new Checkpoint in eHub using this Template.
    7. Select Default Publish for ESS and/or CSS if you want the completed Checkpoint to automatically publish to eHub for the appropriate eHub users to see.
    8. Select the Jobs or Tiers to make the Template available for, if necessary. See also, Specifying Sites, Tiers or Jobs for Checkpoints.
    9. In the tree view below the header, add Sections, Areas, Items and Response Methods. Weights, Q.O.'s and Details can also be modified for each row in the tree view.
    10. Repeat the above steps in order to create various Templates you need.
  8. Once the Template is built, navigate to the QA: Checkpoints screen to begin completing a new Checkpoint.