PS: Custom Settings

Section Item Value Module and Purpose
PersonnelScheduling AllowTicketsInShiftDetails Yes This setting displays the Ticket column in the Shift Details for the Working schedule in the PS Schedules window.
The Ticket column never displays in the Master Schedule, even when this custom setting is used.
After the PS Wizard has been processed, each work ticket in PS Details flows to Timekeeping. You cannot edit the work ticket after the PS Wizard has been processed. When you insert a shift, the new shift does not copy the work ticket number from the shift being copied.
PersonnelScheduling BillCodeMarkup Yes In the Bill Code Categories, Category Detail entries can be linked to existing Category Detail entries within the same Bill Code Category. A Parent Invoice Description is available for selection when the custom setting is entered. The Parent Invoice Description combo contains all Invoice Descriptions under the Category Details which do not have a Parent Invoice Description set. This prevents a parent, child, grandchild relationship.
Once a parent has been selected for a Category Details Invoice Description, a Bill Rate Multiplier is available for use on Bill Codes by job. The Invoice Details grid will display the parent child relationship set up in Bill Code Categories when adding a new Bill Category or when adding the parent Invoice Description to the Invoice Details grid. Changes to the Bill Code Category are not automatically reflected in the Invoice Details grid, a new entry must be created.
PersonnelScheduling ConflictsNotAllowed Yes PS Schedules
This setting prevents scheduling an employee in PS schedules if they have a conflict. A warning message will display.
This setting also performs an additional check when scheduling an employee. When this setting is in place, and you are on the Master Schedule, AND the Posts are set for rotation, WinTeam will not display messages when conflicts are detected.
PersonnelScheduling CorporateUser Yes .
PersonnelScheduling DefaultValue Hours PS Schedules
This setting allows you to set the default view when opening PS Schedules. The Values are: Times, Flags, Status, or Hours.
PersonnelScheduling HideValidationsCheckbox Yes PS Schedules
This setting will hide the Perform Validation Checks check box. It defaults as selected, but is hidden until the Personnel Scheduling, PerformValidationChecksDefault, No is set up.
PersonnelScheduling KeyShiftDetailsDelay Milliseconds (e.g. 500) Prevents instant reloading of data when moving from on cell to another quickly using the arrow key. For example, you may need to go from cell 4 to cell 1 and do not want data for cells 2 and 3 to load. Setting a delay would prevent the extra data from loading.
PersonnelScheduling ClickShiftDelay Milliseconds (e.g. 0) Prevents instant reloading of data when moving from on cell to another quickly using the mouse.
PersonnelScheduling MinimizeInteractiveScreens No Interactive Reports
Use this Custom Setting to NOT minimize interactive reports when drilling to the Scheduling screen.
This setting effects the Overtime Review, Exceptions Review, Hours Summary, and Conflicts Review screens.
PersonnelScheduling PerformValidationChecksDefault No PS Schedules
This setting clears (unchecks) the Perform Validation Checks check box in PS Schedules. For more information, see Schedules.
PersonnelScheduling ShowBillAndPayRates Yes Detail Cell Information
This setting displays Pay and Billing Information by default on the Detail Cell Info screen.
PersonnelScheduling ShowSplittingShiftsCheckbox No Schedules and some Scheduling reports
This setting hides the "Show Dividing Shifts" check boxes on the Schedules, Hours by Job, and Hours by Employee screens. It also hides the check box on the Scheduling Activity Report and the Scheduling Report.
For more information, see Understanding Divided Shifts in Personnel Scheduling.
PersonnelScheduling SupressPurgeWarning Yes This setting suppresses the purge message on the PS Rollover.
PersonnelScheduling ValidatePostCriteriaAlways Yes PS Schedules
This setting causes validation checks to always occur for the following validation checks independently of the Perform Validations Check check box.
- Always check the Employee Class and Employee Types
- Always check for Compliance Requirements
If the setting does not exist, these items are checked only if the Perform Validations check box is selected.
PersonnelScheduling ValidateVacation Yes Detail Cell Information
This setting warns user if the Hours Type Description is non-exempt from Overtime Rules. See Non Billable Type.
PostWatch MinutesUntilForcedRequery XX Post Watch
This setting allows you to specify the maximum number of minutes before a forced requery occurs. Once the "X seconds since last requery" exceeds the Custom Setting limit, then the grid requeries.
PostWatch PunchesRequired Yes Post Watch
This setting can be used to hide the Verify EE as In w/o Punch and Verify EE as Out w/o Punch commands in the Edit menu of the Post Watch screen. This is useful for clients using TeamTime who do not want employees being clocked in or out without creating TeamTime records.
PostWatch ViewByName Yes Post Watch
This setting defaults the Job Name to display before the Job Number in the Description column by default. If this setting is in place, the system automatically displays By Job Name when the screen is accessed.
PS DisableResearchButton Yes This custom setting can be used to disable the Research button in the Shift Details panel of the PS Schedules window. This button displays by default when the TeamTime module is used as part of WinTeam.
PS JobBoardDateRange <1-60> Use this custom setting to increase the number of days to show open positions on the self-scheduling Job Board. By default 30 days display, but if you use this custom setting, you can display a maximum of 60 days.
PS PriorDayPunch



This custom setting is used with Enhanced Reconciliation. It enables the automatic insert of records into a previous day and adjustment to the current record when an employee started a shift a few minutes before their midnight shift. Without this automation, schedulers must manually make these inserts and adjustments.

Important:  The value for the custom setting must contain a lower case t (true) to work. It will not work if it contains an upper case T (True). This issue will be fixed in an upcoming WinTeam release.

PSHBC PrintOvtHrs Yes PS Report: Hourly Billing Comparison
This setting displays the OT and DT hours based on actual paid hours instead of scheduled hours.
PSPostSetup HighlightRequirementsTab Yes This Custom Setting enables the Requirements tab on the Post Set Up screen to stand out with red text so that Users do not forget to look at that tab when setting up a new post or determining the requirements for the post.
PSReports CheckPrimaryJob True With this setting in place a "J' displays before the day of week on the report when employee has a different Primary Job.
If the setting is not in place, nothing displays for employee when they work at their Primary Job.
PSReports PrintAssignmentDate Yes
This setting appends EMF Custom Field #1 to the Employee Name on the grouping title when the SAR is grouped by 'Post Descr & Empl Number'. There is no change to the other grouping options. Custom field in Employee Master File must be setup using a Field Type of Date.
PSReports PrintExtraSignatureLine True PS Report: Timesheet by Job
This setting will print a separate signature line for In Time, as well as Out Time. This setting does not allow for the printing of the Rest Period Acknowledgement check box for the Meal Period fields.
PSReports PrintNonBilledOT No PS Report: Scheduling Activity
Use this setting to exclude the Non Billed OT Hrs % from the report.
PSReports PrintNonBilledPaidOT Yes PS Report: Scheduling Activity
Use this setting to base the Scheduling Activity report on Paid Hours, instead of billed hours.
A Non-Billed OT % based on Paid hours will print to the right of the Non-Billed OT % based on Billed Hours on the report. The percentage calculation is based on the following formula:
(OT Paid - OT Billed) / All Hours Paid (Regular, OT, Training etc) Non-Billed Paid OT %
PSReports UseCAFormat True PS Report: Timesheet by Job
This setting gives an option to create a report for California businesses, Daily Sign In Sheet.
PSRollover RolloverNotes Yes This setting include any Notes from the Master Schedule in the newly created Schedule when using the Rollover process.
PSRollover WeeksBackAllowed # This setting adjusts the number of weeks back allowed that the schedule can be rolled over for. This is a helpful custom setting during testing phases and if a week was missed.
PSSchedules JobCount <number> PS: Schedules
This setting changes the number of records that display in the Job Lookup. Applicable for users who have access to less than 300 Jobs.
PSSchedules UseOnDutyMealPeriod Yes Post Setup
This setting will add an On Duty Meal Period column to the Post Setup screen. This will automatically put On Duty for the Meal Start and Meal End fields on the Approve Time Worked screen in eHub Web.
PSSchedules UseOvertimeProcessor Yes PS Schedules
When this setting is in place, the Schedules screen will use the Overtime Processor when checking to see if an employee will go into overtime when scheduled for the cell. It this setting does not exist, the Schedules screen uses the normal, simpler overtime check where it only determines if the employee is going to be scheduled for hours greater than 40 in the scheduled week.
PSSchedules UseTwoWeekSummary Yes This setting enables viewing of a 2-week schedule. Once the setting is in place, an Hours Summary - 2 Weeks option is available from the Summarize Hours menu. See Hours summary - 2 Weeks.
PSSchedulingReport EnableToDate Yes Employee Schedules Only
This setting enables the report to run for up to 31 days by enabling the Date To field.
PSWizard SortByShiftTimes True This setting changes the order of the Billing Description that is updated when the Personnel Scheduling Wizard is run when printing both the Employee Name and Shift Times on the Invoice. When creating invoices using the Update Schedules to File program, if you select the "Include Daily Details on Report" check box, then the invoice details are created in "shift time order" within each day and billing description.

Important:  If this custom setting is being used and the ARInvoices | SortDetailsByDateTime | custom setting is also set to Yes, then this custom setting will be overridden by the AR Invoices custom setting.

UpdateSchedulesToAR ExcludeOpenPOs Yes This setting displays an Exclude Open PO's check box on the Update Schedules to AR screen once the Special Customer Grouping check box is selected.

When this check box is selected, the system will wait to create the invoice until all the PO's are finished.

For more information see Grouping Invoices using Purchase Order Numbers.