Grouping Invoices using Purchase Order Numbers

There are many reasons to group invoices using Purchase Order Numbers, but primarily it is used for a Customer who has multiple Jobs, who wants all related invoicing to be grouped by Purchase Order Number.

Purchase Order Numbers can be assigned at the Shift level and Post level.

The Personnel Scheduling Wizard will Group by this PO/Ref # first, and then blanks are grouped together.

When updating Schedules using the Personnel Scheduling Wizard, the system groups the records into Billing Review and Edit (Hourly and Other) by the Post/Shift PO/Ref # field.

  • If the Shift has an entry in PO/Ref # field, the systems uses that Shift PO/Ref # in Billing Review and Edit.
  • If the Shift does not have an entry in the PO/Ref # field, the system then checks for an entry in the Post PO/Ref # field.
  • If the Shift does not have an entry in the PO/Ref # field, but the Post does, then the systems uses that Post PO/Ref # in Billing Review and Edit.
  • If both the Shift and Post have not entries, them the PO/Ref # in Billing Review and Edit remains blank.

There is a Custom Setting available that displays an Exclude Open PO's check box on the Update Schedules to AR screen.

Section Item Value
UpdateSchedulesToAR ExcludeOpenPO Yes

When this check box is selected, WinTeam waits to create the invoice until all the PO's are finished.

The system determines if the PO is still open, by first finding all the Billing Review and Edit records that have a PO/Ref # entry. Then the system looks in the Post Setup screen for any Post/Shifts for this Customer with the same PO # that have a Shift End Date greater than the TO Date specified on the Update screen, and whose Shift End Date is not blank. If any records are found then those POs are considered 'open' and are not invoiced.

When the Exclude check box is selected, any PO that has an end date that is about to be included on the invoice, will override the From Date on the update screen and bill everything that is associated with this PO.

Also, if the Exclude check box is selected, and there is Hourly Billing that is still open, we will not include any Other billing for any PO that is open due to Hourly Billing for the Customer.