Setting Up Areas

Use Work Loading & Bidding to set up Areas of the Building and assign Tasks to an Area.

The Work Loading tab is used to determine the effort it takes to clean a Building. Buildings are split into manageable Areas. Areas of a Building can consist of floors of a building or certain types of rooms such as a cafeteria or restroom. Areas can also be set up by type of floor surface. Each Area is assigned Tasks.

Each Task has a production rate and Frequency associated with it. This information enables you to quickly determine the number of people required to clean an Area and the whole Building.

The Work Loading \ Bidding screen can be accessed by clicking Work Loading & Bidding from the TeamBid & Work Scheduling Main Menu.

You must specify a Prospect, Version, and Building before editing the Area and Task grids.

To specify a Prospect, Version, and Building

  1. Type or select a Prospect, or use the Lookup to locate the Prospect record.
  2. Select a Version. Only the Versions for this Prospect display in the list.
    If the name you enter matches an existing Version for the Prospect, the Version field automatically populates. If the text you enter is not an item in the list, you will receive a message.
  3. Select a Building. If you select a Building that is not included in the selected Version, you will receive a message. At that point, click OK, then either add the Building to the Version or reselect a Version and Building.
  4. Once you select a Building, click in the row with the * (asterisk) in the Area grid.

To add an Area

  1. Type a unique description for the Area Name. The name must be unique for the given Version and Building. The Building can be divided into areas by floors, types of rooms, types of floor surfaces, etc.
  2. In the Frequency field, enter the number of days per year the Area will be serviced. This information defaults from the Versions grid, but you can modify it here.
    The Frequency is used to calculate the average daily work hours on the Work Load Development Detail, Work Load Summary, Work Load Task Summary, Work Load Area Summary, and the Work Load Frequency Summary.
  3. Enter a Percentage to represent the normal density of the area. The system defaults to 100%.
    For the Areas that are more difficult to clean because of the amount of furniture or high traffic areas, use a higher percentage. If an Area takes less effort to clean because of fewer desks or furniture, use a lower percentage.
    The Percent field is used to calculate the Annual Hours for each Task.
  4. Use the Square Feet field to enter the amount of cleanable square feet for the Area. This information defaults from the Versions grid, but you can modify it here.
    The Square Feet amount is used when calculating the Yearly and Weekly hours.
  5. Use the Max Hours field to enter the total number of hours that the Building is allowed to be serviced. This information defaults from the Versions grid.

Example:  If the total Daily Hours are 24 and the Max Hours are 4, then 6 people are needed to clean this area.

  1. Use the Print Order to determine the order Areas print on reports. The default Print Order is alphabetical by Area Name. When the Print Order is changed, the Areas in the grid will resort accordingly.
  2. Enter any Notes pertinent to the Area.

You may also use the Area Rollover screen to add new Area's. For more information, see Area Rollover.

To add Tasks to an Area, see Adding Tasks to an Area.