Editing Timekeeping in a Payroll Batch

Note:  These instructions apply when a check has not been printed.

To edit Timekeeping hours in an existing payroll batch that has not been printed

Once hours are included in a Payroll batch they are not available to change from the Payroll menu - Timekeeping option. Instead, go through the Payroll Check Batch to make these changes. For detailed information see Paying Hours Shorted from a Previous Pay Period or Adjusting Job Numbers for Hours Paid.

Check Processing Wizard

  1. From the WinTeam Main Menu, click Payroll.
  2. Click Check Processing Wizard.
  3. Select Edit an Existing Batch, and then click Next.
  4. Select the batch that needs correction, and then click Next.
  5. Click Finish on the Notes screen to open the Review and Edit screen.

Review Checks

  • Use the record selector or the Employee Number Lookup locate the record to edit.
    1. Click the Detail button next to Wages (in the upper right section of the screen) to open the Timekeeping form.
    2. The Timekeeping Entry screen displays showing all hours currently tied to this check record.
    3. Change, delete, or add hours to reflect on this paycheck.
    4. Note:  A logged on user cannot delete a row in Timekeeping when the employee has hours that are included in a paycheck batch, printed, posted, or where the employee’s security level is higher than the WinTeam User’s security level. A message will display.

    5. Click Close to return to the Review and Edit screen.
    6. Notice the Net Pay is blank. Click the Recalculate Paycheck button to refigure Net Pay to include the timekeeping changes.
    7. The Review and Edit screen now includes the vacation pay entered in timekeeping as part of the payroll check.

    For information on options that affect Canada, see Setting Up Canadian Vacation Pay Options.