PAY: Canada Record of Employment Report


The Record of Employment (ROE) is used for the administration and enforcement of the Employment Insurance Act for Canada. ROE information is used to determine whether a person qualifies for EI benefits, the benefit rate and the duration of his/her claim. The ROE also plays an important role in controlling the misuse of EI funds.

A ROE must be issued even if the employee has no intention of filing a claim for EI benefits. An employer must complete a ROE form whenever there is an interruption of earnings. If a vacation pay out check is voided, the voided and original checks are not included in the form. Tax adjustment batches will be excluded if not applicable for insurable earnings.

Note:  Employers MUST specify those ROEs that will be automatically submitted for serial number assignment and those that will be stored as Draft.

The following shows check frequency, and number of consecutive back pay periods included in calculated Insurable Earnings for each output type, beginning with the last pay check the employee received.

For each pay frequency
Frequency 15a 15b 15c -Electronic 15c - Paper
Weekly 53 27 53 27
Biweekly 27 14 27 14
Semimonthly 25 13 25 13
Monthly 13 7 13 7
13 pay periods a year 14 7 14 7

Fixed the report includes only the Federal Taxable Earnings of the last [number of pay checks] in the amount for Box 15b. This amount will vary depending on an Employee's pay frequency. Note that if pay frequency changes during employment, it will not effect results, as the report uses Employee pay frequency as of the time that the Report is run.

Detailed information on completing the Record of Employment.

The Canada Record of Employment Report can be accessed from the Payroll Reports menu.

Key Functionality