eHub: Timekeeping Filter Definitions


No filters have been applied to the records. The records displayed are based on the grouping of the Job or Employee, the search results and the date range selected in the header.


This option filters for any timekeeping records that have pending changes that have not yet been approved or denied. Remember, this only filters for records during the selected date range and within the search results. If there are pending records outside of the date range, the user will have to modify the date range in order to display them. Also, if there are pending records outside of the search criteria, the user will have to clear out the search in order to display them.


This option filters for any timekeeping records that have already been approved.


This option filters for any timekeeping records that have a current status of Previously Denied.

Note:  The Supervisor user logged in can only approve or deny records for Jobs s/he supervises. If the Supervisor user has an Employee with a pending record for a Job that is not the Supervisor's (the Employee has been borrowed by another Supervisor), the pending record will appear in the grid, but the Supervisor cannot approve or deny it.

Not Reviewed

This option filters for timekeeping records that have not yet been reviewed by the user. This filter option is available only if the Show Reviewed check box is selected in the ESS tab of the eHub Setup screen in WinTeam.

Needs Approval

This option filters for timekeeping records that are in a status which needs to be approved or denied.

Over Budget

This option filters for Jobs that are over their labor budget.

This filter option is only available when grouped by Job.


This filters for any records that have already been paid and are read-only.


This filters for records which are entirely new, added by you, your Employee or another Supervisor in the Timekeeping screen.


This filters for any records that meet the following Exceptions:

Negative Hours

This Exception applies to Employees or Jobs with any negative hours. Negative hours generally occur due to an adjustment.

Overlapping Time

This Exception option is only available if View by: Employee is selected. It applies to Employees whose in/out times overlap on any day within the date range indicated.

Missing Punches

This Exception applies to any Employee or Job records that have an In time with no Out time, or an Out time with no In time.

Note:  If both the In time and Out time of the record are blank, then the record does not meet the criteria for this filter and will not be included.

Inactive, with Hours

This Exception applies to any Job or Employee that, on any day during the date range specified, is both Inactive and has hours recorded.

Note:  This Exception does not apply to Employees on a Leave of Absence.

For additional information on the timekeeping screen see this eHub: Timekeeping for Supervisor Access link.