Creating a Custom Security Group Using the Rollover Feature

Use the Rollover feature on the Security Groups window when you have a Security Group that you want to copy and make additions or deletions to the screen access. Using this feature saves you time, as you do not have to create the security group from the beginning.

The Security Groups screen is used to manage screens, Add Edit Lists, Groups, DocLink Document Types, Users, and eHub security.

Key Functionality

To create a custom Security Group based on an existing group

  1. From the System menu, open the Security Groups window from the Security grouping.
  2. Use the Lookup field to display the Security Group that you want to edit.
  3. Use the Rollover button to make a copy of the Security Group.
  4. Customize the access of Screens to the appropriate access by deleting the Screen record or adding the Screen to the list on the Screens tab.
    • To add an additional Screen, click on the new row (marked with an asterisk), and select the screen to add to the Security Group. Select any appropriate Features at the bottom of the screen.
    • To delete a Screen, click on the selector area of the appropriate line and click the Delete key on your keyboard.
  5. Type a unique name for the group in the Description field, and then press Tab.
  6. Enter any Notes that pertain to this Security Group, and then press Tab.
  7. Optional - In the Add Edit Lists tab, click on the new row, and select the add/edit lists to add to the Security Group.
  8. Optional - In the Groups tab, click on the new row, and select the Security Groups to add to the Security Group.
  9. Optional - DocLink Users - In the DocLink Document Types tab, click on the new row, and select the Document Types to add to the Security Group.
  10. Once you have created the custom security group, use the SYS: User Security screen to add it to the appropriate User Name.

Tip:  For more information see Security Groups Overview and Security Groups By Module.

Common Custom Security Groups

Creating a Read-Only Security Group

Creating a Super User Security Group

Creating an eHub Security Group for Terminated Employees