HR: Benefit Hours Report


You can use the Benefit Hours report to print a list of transactions within the Hours Details section of the Benefits By Employee screen. This report shows benefit hours accrued and/or used for each Employee based on the selected criteria. There is also an option to Show Estimated Dollars that computes the dollar amount owed, related to these benefit hours.

The report includes a recap section that displays a summary of the Benefit records, including Beginning Balance, Hours Accrued, Hours Used, Hours Lost, Cash Outs, Adjustments, and Ending Balance. Using this options sorts the report by Benefit Year, in descending order.

Key Functionality

Related Information

Note:  The Detail and Yearly Recap report format will display the beginning and ending balances for Employees. The beginning balance is based on either the entered Transaction (start) Date range or the start of the employee's record. If the transaction date range is populated by the user, the system will sum all benefit transactions prior to the start date used in the transaction range. This sum will be the beginning balance. If the Transaction Dates is set to All, the beginning balance will show 0 since the employee has not yet had any transactions to generate a balance.