General Ledger Custom Settings

Section Item Value Module and Purpose
GLCheckUtility FilePath X:\BankofAmerica.txt This setting is derived from the path entered on the GL Check Clearing Utility screen. This entry will default the next time the utility is run.
GLRecap Show Yes This setting controls the display of a summary by GL number, job number, and amount in the following areas:
  • AP Check Register
  • Journal Update Log
  • Payroll Update
  • AP Update to GL Invoices
GLReport DefaultwithNoSalesRatios Yes This setting defaults the Format Style to "No Sales Ratios" instead of "With Sales Ratio".
GLReport PrintDecimals Yes GL Report: Budget Income Statement
When running the report choosing Format Style: With Sales Ratio, the following Custom Setting can be used to change all of the ratios on the report from being percentages to being in decimal format.
Example: 48.55% would print on the report as .49 instead.
GLReport SortbyTierDescription Yes GL Report: Budget Income Statement
This setting will sort by Tier Descriptions (instead of the Tier ID. The Tier Descriptions will also display when previewing and using the Toggle Group Tree.
GLReport UseDailyBudgets Yes GL Report: Budget Income Statement
GL Report: Budget Income Statement: Current vs. Prior
GL Report: Budget Report (when running the Budget Report for the Financial Statement option only).
This setting displays a check box, "Use Daily Labor Budgets".
This setting also displays a check box to"Include Work Scheduling in Labor Budgets".
GLReport UseSpecialYTDFormat Yes The ‘Budget Income Statement Current Vs. Prior’ will print additional columns if you have the setting in place AND the ‘Use Special YTD Format’ option selected. For details see Use Special YTD Format.
GLRevenueAccrual IncludeSelectionsInNotes Yes Hourly Revenue Accrual
This setting is used to include system notes in the Journal Entry Notes field when the revenue accrual process is run.
For more information see Custom Setting: GL Revenue Accrual.
GLTrialBalance ManualRefresh True This setting controls the display of a Refresh button on the GL Trial Balance window. This button is used to complete a manual refresh of the data in the window.
GLUpdate AutoPostTime # (in seconds)

This setting determines how many seconds the system waits before it automatically commits a General Ledger update. The default is eight seconds. You see the countdown to the automatic commit in the header of the GL Posting Status dialog box. This dialog box contains a summary of the debits and credits, and the Commit button that you can use to manually commit the General Ledger update. If you enter a negative value for this setting, the GL Posting Status dialog box does not display, and the system automatically commits the General Ledger update if there are no errors.

Note:  This does not apply to the PAY: General Ledger Update because Payroll contains up to five different journals and this would significantly slow the update process.

LaborDistribution PageBreak Yes This setting inserts Page Break after each Job on the Labor Distribution Journal for all Payroll Batch Types.