Custom Setting: GL Revenue Accrual

Hourly Revenue Accrual

This setting is used to include system notes in the Journal Entry Notes field when the revenue accrual process is run.

Section Item Value
GLRevenueAccrual IncludeSelectionsInNotes Yes

When the Revenue Accrual process runs, each of the settings on the parameter screen are captured and copied to the Notes field of the Adjusting Journal Entry.

These added lines of text are appended to any Notes that the user may have entered in the field.

Each field being appended should be written to a new line. Fields where the settings include several pick list items may wrap to additional lines.

Formats for each setting

Sequence Field Text
1 N/A “Hourly Revenue Accrual Settings -”
2 Date Range “Date Range: [From Date] – [To Date]”
3 Method “Method: Actuals” or “Method: Budgets”
4 GL Asset Account to Debit “GL Asset Acct: [Account number]”
5 Accrual Types “Accural Types: All” or “Accrual Types: [Items selected in pick list separated by commas]”
6 Bill Frequencies “Bill Frequencies: All” or “Bill Frequencies: [Items selected in pick list separated by commas]”
7 Job Types “Job Types: All” or “Job Types: [Items selected in pick list separated by commas]”
8 Jobs “Jobs: All” or “Jobs: [Items selected in pick list separated by commas]” or “Jobs: Range [From] - [To]” (Show job number only for space considerations – added 4/10/12 CS)
9 Companies “Companies: All” or “Companies: [Items selected in pick list separated by commas]” (Show company number only for space considerations – added 4/10/12 CS)

EXAMPLE of Notes field in the Adjusting Journal Entry Report