Finding a Job (Name or Number)


The Find Job screen is accessed from PS Schedules and Post Watch. It enables you to quickly lookup a Job by Job Number, Company (if applicable), Location (if applicable), Description, City, State, or Zip Code.

You may filter the search by looking only for Active Jobs. When looking for a Job from within Schedules, the Open Positions week of XX/XX/XXX check box displays. Use this option to search for open positions as of a specific date.

When using the Find Job feature from the Post Watch screen, first the system will find all the PS Jobs. Once you select a Job and then click OK, the system checks to see if the Job selected is a Post Watch Job. If the Job is a Post Watch Job and falls within the selected criteria, the Job displays and is highlighted in the Job grid, and the details display in the Job Details grid. If the Job does not currently have shifts that fall within the criteria, a message displays stating "There are currently not any matching shifts for Job < >".

Related Information

Searching for Job [None]

Using the Find Feature

Using the Find Job Feature in the Job Master File