JOB: Finding a Job in the Job Master File

  1. From the WinTeam Job Costing menu, click Jobs to display the Job Master File screen. Notice your cursor is in the Number field.
  2. Click the Find button or press F5 to display the Find Job screen, with the focus in the Description field. The Active Only check box is selected by default.
  3. Enter criteria for which you wish to search, or click Search to populate the Jobs grid. Use the Active check box to list only Active records. Clear the Active check box to include Inactive records in the list.

Note:  When using the Find feature, the % key acts as a wild card. For instance, if you were trying to find a Job that has the word "school" in it, type %school. The system finds ALL Jobs that contain the word "school" within its name. This functionality works in all filtering fields on the Find screen.

  1. You can sort the information in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading in the Jobs grid. When you click the column heading a gray arrow displays in the heading. The data is then sorted in ascending order by Job Number. Click the heading again to sort in descending order.
    You can also sort by multiple column headings by holding down the Shift key and selecting the column headings.
  2. Select the Job you want to work with by clicking anywhere on the record line. An arrow on the left side of the Jobs grid shows the record you have selected (the record you are currently on).
  3. Click OK. The Job Number then populates in the Job Number field on the Job Master File screen and all related data displays.