WT: WinTeam Master Action Plan

The purpose of the Master Action Plan (MAP) is to provide you with suggestions and assistance to fully implement your TEAM products. The idea for the MAP came from the notion that some companies are not using TEAM products to their full potential. Because you have invested valuable time and money with our company, we would like to help you get the most out of your TEAM products.

We value our relationship and want to assist you and your staff in every way possible to recognize the full potential of our systems. The following items are considered to be the core of setting up WinTeam. These items must be set up before implementing any modules in WinTeam.

Each module will also have a MAP in order to fully implement and utilize the features available.

Tip:  In order to complete the steps in the WinTeam Master Action Plan you will need information from the following modules: General Ledger, Job Costing, and Payroll.

  1. Set Up Security—Use the User Security screen to add, edit, or delete users; change passwords for existing users; and assign and unassign Groups to a User. The User Name used to log on to the system controls the information made available to them. When you enter this screen initially, the User Name "WinTeam" displays. This is the ONLY User Name that is loaded with the software. Do NOT delete this. ;WinTeam has full access to everything, except for the ability to print signatures on Payroll and A/P checks. A Password should be added as soon as possible.
    We recommend that each person who will be using the WinTeam system be set up with his or her own User Name and Password. This will make it easy for the System Administrator to identify who has logged on and off, and when. There are varieties of logs that are kept on the system that identify the User who performed a particular function.
    WinTeam Enterprise customers also have the ability to limit security by Locations.
    Company and Location security are implemented for Enterprise and SaaS Customers. For more information see Learning about Location Security.
  2. Set Up General Ledger Chart of Accounts—Use the Chart of Accounts screen to set up, change, or set to inactive, your general ledger chart of account records. Each general ledger number represents a separate account for recording transactions. Normally, the accounts of a business are classified by category and logically arranged in the general ledger. This serves two purposes: (1) it aids in locating any account and (2) it aids in preparing financial statements. In the WinTeam default database, the number assigned to an account not only identifies the account, but also tells its balance sheet or income statement classification. In the WinTeam default database, the first digit in an account’s number tells its main balance sheet or income statement classification. For example, account numbers with first digits of 1 are assigned to asset accounts. Liability accounts are assigned numbers with first digits of 2, and so on. If you are entering the chart of accounts for the first time, we recommend that you number the general ledger numbers in minimum increments of at least 10. This leaves room for expansion in the number of accounts. From the Chart of Accounts screen, you may click the Detail button (right side of the entry) to view the Comparative Analysis screen for any selected account. You may also print a Chart of Accounts report listing all accounts with general ledger numbers, descriptions, categories and types from the Print icon on the toolbar.
  3. Set Up System Defaults—Use System Defaults to enter general system default information. Tier Parameters are set up here and the general ledger number for Retained Earnings (the system uses this GL account during the year end rollover) are set up here. The Show Logo on Reports option allows you to select to show your company logo by default on all reports. You may store your Solutions Online Login and Password here and elect to have the system automatically check for program and database file updates. One of our newest features allows a company to link a company specific Help file to WinTeam.
  4. Set Up Fiscal Periods—You may access the Set Fiscal Years screen from the Fiscal Year Setup screen by clicking the FY Details button. Use the Set Fiscal Years screen to create fiscal years, along with the starting and ending dates for each fiscal period within each fiscal year. You may create fiscal years manually, by entering all of the necessary data, or you may create fiscal years automatically, by clicking the Create Next Fiscal Year button.
  5. Set Up Hours Types—Use Hours Types Defaults to set up the various Hours Types used throughout the system. On this screen, you may select from various Overtime Rules, Special Add Ons, and Properties that apply to each Hours Type. In addition, this screen also contains an area to specify the General Ledger Numbers for the system to use when posting the different types of labor that apply to each Hours Type. In the Job Costing module, you must then group Hours Types by Category Description in the Hours Categories screen. You can run an Hours Types Report from the Payroll Reports screen, which prints a list of all Hours Types set up in the system.
  6. Set Up Cash Accounts—Use Cash Accounts Setup to enter bank information and a general ledger account number for each cash account used.
  7. Set Up Hours Categories—Use the Hours Categories screen to group related Hours Types into a single category. Categories may use different combinations of the same Hours Types. Each Job in the Job Master File screen has an Hours Category tied to it. During Timekeeping entry, only the Hours Types you entered for the Hours Category of the Job are available for selection. Several Hours Types are grouped together into an Hours Categories record, which is then used by multiple Jobs. Normally, you will have a limited number of Hours Categories set up, since the same Hours Category can be used by multiple Jobs. Typically, a separate Hours Category is set up for each different type of labor category. Some examples of this would be Direct Labor, Supervisory Labor, Admin Labor, Sales Labor, etc. Each one of these labor categories will typically have its own Hours Type defined, along with the General Ledger numbers that the system will use to post labor to the General Ledger. It is possible to combine different types of labor within one single Hours Category. It is up to your company as to how Hours Categories should be set up. Keep in mind that the Hours Types included in a single Hours Category will be the only ones available during timekeeping entry for any Jobs set up that use that Hours Category. There will be times where additional Hours Categories may need to be set up if Alternate Pay Rates or Special Add On Rates must be used for a particular Job site or set of Jobs. You may print an Hours Categories Report from Payroll Reports.
  8. Set Up Company—Use the Company Setup screen to enter Company Name, Addresses and general ledger account numbers for each company in WinTeam.
  9. Identify Payroll Tax Tables needed—Use the Tax Tables to review and enter Tax Codes payroll processing. TEAM maintains the Federal, EIC Payments, FICA, Medicare, State, FUTA, and Disability Tax Codes needed to process payroll. You will need to set up and maintain any County/School Districts or City Tax Codes that apply to your company. In addition, you are responsible for changing any State UC taxable limits and rates. The Table and Formula Details section stores information needed to calculate tax-withholding amounts during payroll processing.
  10. Set Up Jobs—WinTeam uses Jobs throughout the system. Use the General screen to enter general information pertaining to individual Jobs in WinTeam. The Job Name and Address entered on the Job Master File (General tab) screen appears on the corresponding Work Tickets and customer invoices (as the Service Location). The Job Phone Number and Contact information entered on the Job Master File (General tab) screen also appears on the corresponding Work Tickets. The TeleTeam program and the Payroll module use the Supervisor information. Custom Fields are also available for entry on this screen.