Adding a Customer

Use this procedure to add a customer. You may want to review the following topics before adding a customer:

To add a customer:

  1. On the WinTeam Main Menu, click Accounts Receivable, and then click Customer File.
  2. Type a customer number in the Number field.

Note:  The number you use in the Number field is your new customer's Customer Number and may be associated with Job Numbers. The Customer Number identifies your new customer throughout the system for invoicing, receiving money, and for Job setup. For more information, see Learning about Customer Numbers.

  1. Type the new customer's name in the Name field. This is the customer's name as you want it to appear throughout the system.
  2. If plan to use Recurring Invoices and Invoices to bill your customers for services, type their complete address, phone numbers, and contact information in the appropriate fields.
  3. In the Type field, select a customer type. Double-click to add a Customer Type to the list. For more information, see Learning about Customer Types.
  4. In the Terms field under Invoice Information, select the billing terms for your customer. Double-click to add billing Terms to the list.

Note:  The Terms field displays only when the Print Invoices check box is selected. Print Invoices is selected by default.

  1. Under Invoice Information, click in the Attention field and type the name of the person in charge of paying invoices for your customer.
  2. Leave the Taxable check box selected unless your customer is tax exempt.
  3. If your customer is NOT taxable, clear the Taxable check box, and then click in the Tax Exempt ID field and type your customer's tax exempt ID.
  4. Leave the Print Invoices check box selected if you want to be able to print invoices for your customers. Then select billing terms from the Terms list.
  5. Leave the Print Past Due Notices check box selected to enable the ability to print Past Due Notices.
  6. Leave the Print Statements check box selected to enable the ability to print Statements.