Sending Online Payment Portal Invite

This article includes the steps to send an email invite to a customer so they can access the online payment portal.

To send an invitation from WinTeam, a payment portal contact needs to first be set up. Once an email invite is sent, customers will click the link, enter an invoice/customer number, and fill out the account registration information. If needed, the invite can be resent.

Sending Account Creation Invitation

  1. On the Contacts tab of the Customer Master File, double click the Payment Contact.
  2. Select the Payment Portal Contact check box.
  3. Click the Send Email Invite button.
  4. Click OK to the message prompt asking if you are sure you want to send the invite. Clicking cancel will close the window without sending an invitation.

Once you click OK the account creation email is sent to the address entered for the contact.

Note: For security purposes the email link is only available for approximately 15 minutes.

Once the email has been sent the Send Email Invite button changes to Pending as an indication that an invitation has been already sent.

Resending Account Creation Email Invitation

  1. On the Contacts tab of the Customer Master File, double click the Payment Contact.
  2. The Send Email button will change to Pending indicating there was previously an invitation sent.

  3. Click the Pending button.
  4. Click OK, to the message confirming an invitation has already been sent and it will be resent.