AP: Creating Invoices from Imported Files

You can use this procedure to create AP: Vendor Invoices by importing records using a .csv file. You may want to review the AP: Vendor Invoices topic before importing invoices.

Important Information

  • The Due Date is calculated based on the terms for the vendor and the Invoice Date.
  • The file will be rejected if the Discount Due Date is later than the Invoice Due Date. It will also be rejected if the Discount Amount is greater than the Invoice Amount.
  • The Posting Date defaults to the first day of the month from the Accounts Payable Valid Dates for Data Entry. This applies to both the standard AP import and the extended import. Both the standard and the expanded (custom setting AP | UseExpandedImport | Yes) file versions can include the Posting Date. The PostingDate field can be added to any column in the file, but it is not required to be a part of the file. If the PostingDate column is added to the import file, the field is optional and the data can be left blank. If a Posting Date is not specified, or if the PostingDate column is omitted from the file, the import will use the Invoice Date to populate the Posting Date.
  • Each invoice will be marked as
    • Permanent Hold
    • Payment Method - Check (Note: You can add a Custom Setting to default the Payment Method as Credit Card. See AP: Vendor Invoices for more information.)
    • Payment Plan - Standard
  • GL Distribution information is NOT required in the .csv file, but if using GL Distribution in the .csv file, a record will fail to import if any of the GL Distribution information fields (GL #, Job #, or Distribution Amount) are missing. If all GL Distribution information (GL #, Job #, or Distribution Amount) is in the .csv file, the GL Distribution information will automatically be added to the invoice.
  • If the GL Distribution information is NOT entered on the import file, you will need to add the GL Distribution information manually once the invoice information has been imported. You will also need take the invoice off Permanent Hold prior to paying the invoice.
  • The system will allow for importing invoices outside the valid dates of entry.
  • When AP Invoices are imported, the Include on 1099 check box is selected on the invoice if the 'Compute 1099' check box is selected in the Vendor Master File (Payments tab).