Using the Framed Sections Layout Type


The Framed Sections Paycheck Layout Type is a customized format you may use when printing Payroll checks. There are a number of custom settings that can be used to adjust the layout of the checks. For details, contact TEAM Client Services by phone at 800-500-4499 or by email at

You may wish to review the following topics:

To start using the Framed Sections Layout

  1. From the Payroll Menu, click Defaults.
  2. Click the Paycheck Information tab.
  3. Under Paycheck Layout, select Framed Sections.
  4. (Optional) Select the Legal Sized Self Sealer check box to print the Direct Deposit and Non Direct Deposit check forms on legal size self sealers.
  5. Once you have selected the Framed Sections Layout, the Special Comp/Deduct Section Description and Benefit Date Range Option fields display.
  6. The Special Comp/Deduct Section Description is not a required field, but if you want to include a special section of the check stub for special compensation that you want to ‘group’ together, enter a description here. Whatever is entered here will be used as the “label” of the special section on the check stub.
    Only those Compensations that have a Print Order that is not null will print in this special Comp/Ded section. For more information, see Setting Up Special Compensation and Deduction Codes.
    If a description is not entered in this field, then this frame is labeled Important Message. Any special comp or deduct that would have printed in this section, if the special comp/ded description had been set up (determined by whether or not there is a print order set up with the compensation or deduction code), will print in the ‘normal’ compensation/deduction sections of the check stub.
  7. The Benefit Date Range Option is used to define the information to default the date range on Paychecks. There are two options:
    • The same as the check's Pay Period date range - This is the default selection. Use this option if you always pay benefits the same date range as the Pay Period date range.
    • Use Pay period prior to the Check's pay period - Use this option if you are always a pay period behind on Benefits. If this layout is selected, the Print Checks screen has the Print Benefits check box automatically selected, and the Benefit Cut Off Date is not available.

    Important:  The Year-to-Date information on the paycheck stub is based on calendar year activity. The Benefit Range option entered here will pick up the current values but the YTD section is based strictly on calendar year activity. The anniversary year of the benefit is not used for Year-to-Date activity information.

  8. Select whether to print the full SSN, the last 4-digits of the SSN, or no SSN on paycheck stubs. The default selection is Full SSN. If your company does not want to print the full SSN, then change this option accordingly. This applies to all 4 of the Paycheck Layouts.

Setting Up Special Compensation and Deduction Codes

A new field has been added to the Other Compensation set up screen called Print Order.

This field is visible ONLY if using the Framed Sections Paycheck Layout. If there is a print order entered for a code, this will be considered a special comp/ded and will cause any activity for this code on the paycheck to print in the Special Comp/Ded frame of the paycheck stub.

This will only occur if there is a Special Comp/Deduct Section Description entered with the Framed Sections Layout (see Payroll Defaults, Paycheck Properties tab).

The print order also determines the order in which these codes will list in this frame. Compensations and deductions with the same print order will print one right after another, compensation printing first. This will help with the sorting of this frame on the paycheck.

Note:  Valid range for print order is from 0 to 255.

Print Order Description of Comp/Deduct Code
1 H & W Compensation
1 H & W Deduction
2 Pension Compensation
2 Pension Deduction

Since there is a compensation with this same print order, they will print one after the other, followed by any other activity for a special code. Again, the order is all determined by the Print Order. If the Print Order field is left blank, these will not be considered a special comp/deduct code and will print in the normal compensation and deduction areas of the paycheck stub.

If using the Special Comp/Ded section of the paycheck (determined by whether or not a description is entered into the Special Comp/Ded Section Description field in Pay Defaults), make sure to set up all necessary Compensation and Deduction Codes that you want to print in this special section of the check stub.

Tip:  Special deductions, are set up as a compensation with a negative amount.

Maximum Lines that can Print Within Each Frame

The following is the maximum number of lines that can print in each frame (not including the total line). If there are more than this number, the system prints the word MORE… and adds the remaining amounts together for the last line.

  • Hours and Earnings: 14 lines
  • Taxable Compensations: 5 lines
  • Special Comps/Deducts: 8 lines
  • Non-Tax Compensations: 7 lines
  • Non-Tax Deductions: 9 lines
  • Taxable Deductions: 16 lines
  • Taxes: 7 lines

If a frame has more than the max indicated, the system prints the last line items with a description of MORE…and lumps the remaining totals together on that one line before printing the Total line.

Other Information: Will print up to 3 benefits – if the employee has more than three benefits that have a balance of hours, then the 3 that have the highest year-to-date balance will print.

Sort Order within Each Frame of the Layout

The sort order is in Current descending amount order within each Frame. The only exception to this is the Hours and Earnings area. The Hours and Earnings area is sorted by the paycheck description and rate that has the most hours down to the least hours, and lastly by those descriptions that have no current information by only YTD only.