Correcting the Tax Allocation

These are guidelines on what could be done if a you were using the Tax Allocation program and somehow had this option 'turned off' mistakenly and had posted payroll batches to the general ledger without the option turned on.

To correct a payroll batch posting that should have included a tax allocation

If the Taxes and Insurance feature for posting Tax Allocation by Job is not turned on (this is set up in Payroll Defaults (Misc tab)), no tax allocation posting will occur (TAJ journal) when a Payroll batch is posted.

If this happens, and you want to repost to include Tax and Insurance Allocations (TAJ journal), the following steps need to be taken.

  1. Determine which Payroll batches were updated without TAJ (Tax Allocation) being posted. From the Show All Batches, go back to the last batch that you believe was posted correctly with TAJ. Double-click the posted flag to find the G/L Log # that posted that payroll (it will be the PRJ). Create a list of batches for all Batches shown as Posted. Use something simple like this:
    Batch #Log #
  2. Go to the General Ledger Menu, and then to the Journal Update Log. Using the list in #1, find the Log # and see if there was a corresponding TAJ for the item. If there is already a TAJ, the Batch can be eliminated from the list, since there is not a probelm. Go through the rest of the list to verify whether or not a TAJ was posted with the batch.
  3. Since you will have to unpost the original payroll batches from the General Ledger and repost them, you will need to figure out which employees had Recurring with Limit Deductions or Compensations within these payrolls. Go to the G/L Log area and find the Log # you recorded for the batch above. Then find the ODJ and OCJ journal log #'s for each batch. Print each journal. Identify on the journal report which deductions/compensations ere Recurring with Limit deductions and highlight these. The corresponding cumulative that is shown is what the cumulative was BEFORE posting the original payroll. OR TEAM can help run queries to identify this information and provide a list. This may be easier in cases of larger companies with lengthy reports.
  4. Once you have a list from #3, go into the Employee Master File and pull up each employee that had a Recurring with limit deduction included in the Payroll batch. Find the Deduction/Compensation line that corresponds with the Recurring with limit deduction or compensation. The cumulative in the Employee Master File should be showing what the cumulative became once the payroll was updated to the General Ledger (which would be: The cumulative on the Journal Report + the amount deducted for that payroll = current Cumulative in Employee Master File.) Subtract the amount deducted/paid from the cumulative. This should equal the cumulative amount shown on the journal. If it does not, it is because there was another payroll posting involved. Call Team for further assistance if you can’t figure it out. Change the cumulative in the Employee Master File Other Comp/Deduct file.
  5. Now you can start unposting the payroll batches by using your list created in # 1 as long as you have printed your Other Compensation and Deduction reports. Make sure you are unposting the correct payrolls!
  6. Double-check that the Tax and Insurance, Tax Allocation by Job option in the Payroll Defaults is checked and active (not gray).
  7. Repost each payroll batch. After posting one, go into the Journal log area and make sure that you see the corresponding TAJ journal for the batch. If this looks good, proceed on with the reposting of the other Payroll Batches.