WS-TB: Assigning Positions to Tasks

Although you can add Positions to Tasks at any time by going directly to each Task Code, when working with TeamBid, you may find it easier to assign the Position while you are in the midst of Adding Tasks to an Area.

Each Task can have a Position assigned to it. This information enables you to quickly indicate the type of worker needed to complete the Tasks. It is also used to assign Work Descriptions for each Position. These Position Descriptions can be printed and posted at the job site so that any employee who works at the site will have a list of items that need completed each night.

Positions can be set up by Prospect/Building or by Job. If you are using the Work Loading program, you can use the Import from TeamBid feature to create Position records for your Buildings, or you can set up the details manually.

To assign Positions to Tasks

  1. From the Work Loading tab, select an Area and Task to which you want to assign a Position.
  2. Double-click on the Task Code Number to open the WS: Task Codes screen.
  3. Type or select a Position to specify the type of labor needed to perform the Task.
  4. To add a new Position Description, double-click in the Position field, or type a new description and press Enter. The Position Description Add/Edit List displays. This Position is used to help group records in the Work Load Recap and also for importing records in the Position Descriptions screen.

Run Work Load Reports to give your Prospects.