Separate Pay and Bill

What is the Separate Pay and Bill Feature?

The Personnel Scheduling Separate Pay and Bill feature allows you to pay your employees for every minute worked based on time punches yet keep your billing clean by continuing to round to the quarter hour (or whatever your contract with your customer dictates). You must be using Enhanced Reconciliation to enable the Separate Pay and Bill feature.

Important:  You should only enable the Separate Pay and Bill feature after thorough planning, legal consultation, and employee and/or customer communication.

How Do I Enable Separate Pay and Bill?

Set Blackout Date

Use the SYS: Bulk Update for Jobs window to set a blackout date to turn off reconciliation for the jobs you want to use separate pay and bill.

  1. In the System menu, under the Tools sub-menu, open the SYS: Bulk Update for Jobs window and then click the Hours Rule tab.
  2. In the Tier selection section, use the options to locate the jobs you want to put into a blackout period.
  3. In the Hours Rule Update Steps section, select the Step 1 button. In the Blackout section, enter a date and time to begin the blackout period. The date must be in the future. Use a 24-hour clock to enter times–for example, enter 5:00 pm as 17:00. Click Update. The blackout period begins with the date and time you enter and continues forward. During the blackout period the reconciliation service does not process records. This allows TeamTime records to still come into WinTeam but not be processed since this particular job will use a new Hours Rule.
  4. Note:  When a blackout period is set, the Reconcile This Job Now option in the PS Schedules windows is not available either.

  5. A message box displays where you confirm the blackout period will be applied to the jobs in the tier you selected.
  6. Tip:  If you realize you entered the wrong date or time after clicking Update, clear the date/time fields and click Update again. The same message box displays, but in this case is confirming the blackout period will be removed from the records.

  7. You can see the blackout period information for a job on the Timekeeping Info tab of the Job Master File. Please note, the End Date fields are not used and will be removed in an upcoming WinTeam release.

Create an Hours Rule

Use the JOB: Hours Rule window to create a new hours rule that uses separate pay and bill.

  1. In the Job Costing menu, open the Job Master File window and then click the Timekeeping Info tab. Double-click in the Hours Rule field to open the JOB: Hours Rule window.
  2. In the Description field, enter a name to identify the separate pay and bill rounding rule.
  3. In the Pay Variance section, select the Separate Pay and Bill Times check box. When this check box is selected the Bill Rounding Rule options are available (under the check box) and the Rounding Rule options are re-labeled Pay Rounding Rule (to the upper-left of the check box). This allows you to enter a different rounding rule for pay and bill times. The system rounds using decimals.
  4. Quarters–Select this option to round the hours to the nearest quarter of an hour.


    .25 = 15 minutes after the hour

    .50 = 30 minutes after the hour

    .75 = 45 minutes after the hour

    Hundredths–Select this option to round the hours to the nearest hundredth of an hour. The system rounds to the nearest hundred of an hour using decimals.


    12:00 to 08:00 is = 480 minutes divided by 60 = 8.00 hours

    12:01 to 08:00 is = 479 minutes divided by 60 = 7.98333333 hours (7.98)

    12:02 to 08:00 is = 478 minutes divided by 60 = 7.96666666 hours (7.97)

    12:03 to 08:00 is = 477 minutes divided by 60 = 7.95 hours

  5. Click Save in the tool bar to save the Hours Rule.

Note:  For details about any of the other fields or options in the window, see JOB: Hours Rule.

Change the Hours Rule for the Separate Pay and Bill Jobs

Use the SYS: Bulk Update for Jobs window to switch the jobs from the current hours rule to the new hours rule after payroll and billing are completed for the previous pay period. When you change the hours rule, you must enter a cut-over date–this is the date when the reconciliation service will be turned back on (the date when the new hours rule will be used by the system).

After you complete this step, the system automatically updates the Working and Master Schedules and Post Setup. In the Schedules window you will see separate columns for pay and bill values and additional information in the Reconciliation footer (two After Accept fields and an Edit Pay button).

  1. In the System menu, under the Tools sub-menu, open the SYS: Bulk Update for Jobs window and then click the Hours Rule tab.
  2. In the Tier selection section, use the options to locate the jobs you want to use the new hours rule.
  3. Important:  Be sure to select the same Tier/jobs that you selected when applying the blackout period.

  4. Select the Step 2 button, select the New Hours Rule you created for separate pay and bill, and then click Update.
  5. The Hours Rule Changes window opens. Enter the Cut-over date and then click Continue.
  6. A message box displays where you confirm the new hours rule will be applied to the jobs in the tier you selected.
  7. A message box displays to confirm the success of the change.

Where Will I See Display Changes?

When separate pay and bill is enabled, you see separate fields/columns for pay and bill values in multiple windows and reports.


PS: Hours by Employee

PS: Hours by Job

PS: Wizard (Preview Report and Show all Batches)

PS: Scheduling Activity Report

PS: Overtime Warning Report

PAY: Daylight Saving Time Update

Meal and Rest Report


Schedule Report

Shift Details Calendar


What are Some Examples of Separate Pay and Bill Scenarios?


The following examples each use the Hours Rule settings seen below. In the General tab, the Separate Pay and Bill Times checkbox is selected, allowing for different rounding rules to be applied for paying and billing. The Pay Rounding Rule is set to Hundredths, while the Bill Rounding Rule is set to Quarters. In the Scheduling Reconciliation tab, notice there are separate Pay De Minimis and Bill De Minimis sections. The Pay De Minimis values are set to 0, while the Bill De Minimis values are set to 7. The Automatic Reconciliation values are also set to 7.

Tip:  For details about these settings see JOB: Hours Rule

Example 1 – Auto Accept

Example 2 – Exception (Orange Shift)

Example 3 – Edit Pay Times – No Punches