ARP Format Details

Details ARP Formats

Arvest Bank (CSV)

Column Description
Column A Arvest Account Number
Column B Status (‘Reg’ or ‘Void’ arfe the only supported values)
Column C Amount
Column D Check Number or Serial Number
Column E Issue Date


Void Status – Position 1 – V or a space

Bank Acct# - Position 2-11

Position 12 = 1 space

Issue Date – Pos 13 – 20 -- MMDDYYYY

Position 21 = 1 space

Check # - Pos 22-31

Position 32 = 1 space

Amt – Pos 33 - 42

Pos 43-59 = 17 spaces

Payee – Pos 60 – 159 – 100 chars long


Bank acct# - Pos 1-13

Check# - Pos 14 - 23

Amt – Pos 24 - 33

Issue date – Pos 34 - 41

Pos 42 – 54 = 13 spaces

Pos 55 – Void flag – V or a space

Pos 56 – 80 = 25 spaces

Eastern Bank

Section Item Value
Payroll NACHAReportName


First TN Bank

File layout:

Pos 1 - Detail Identifier "D"

Pos 2-4 - Bank Number "001"

Pos 5-14 - Account Number

Pos 15-24 - Check Number

Pos 25-37 - Amount (Voided checks are also a positive amt)

Pos 38-45 - Issue Date - YYYYMMDD

Pos 46-75 - Additional Data (spaces)

Pos 76-155 - Payee Name

Pos 156 - Void Indicator ("V" for Voided checks only or space)

ALL lines are a total of 156 bytes


Revised existing Custom Setting to ensure that the middle initial, if present, is included in the NACHA Pos Pay file.

Section Item Value
Payroll NACHAReportName JPMChaseCSV

Webster Bank

The file name is Company Name + last 4-digits of account number + MMDDYY.txt example: CompanyABC1234072717.txt

Company Name is based on the company assigned to the selected Cash Account

last 4-digits of account number is the Bank Account assigned to the selected Cash Account

The file name is the same for both AP and PAY. If the client needs to, they can add a numeric character to the end of the file manually. example: CompanyABC12340727171.txt