Viewing the original invoice for an applied payment

  1. On the WinTeam Menu, click Accounts Receivable, and then click Customer Master File.
  2. Enter the Customer Number in the Customer Number field, or use the Lookup to locate the Customer Number.
  3. Click the Invoice Review button.
  4. Double-click on the Invoice Number (in the grid) to open the original invoice.


  1. On the WinTeam Menu, click Accounts Receivable, and then click Payments.
  2. Click the Lookup icon to open the Lookup Payments screen.
  3. Enter the Customer Number in the Customer field, or use the Lookup to locate the Customer Number.
  4. Click the Search button, or use the shortcut ALT + S, to filter the payment records for the specified Customer.
  5. Double-click on a Payment ID (in the grid) to view the original AR: Payment record.
  6. In the Applied Invoices grid, double-click on the Invoice Number to open the original invoice.