Changing the Print Order or Invoice Order

The default value for the Print/Invoice Order is 255. If no changes have been made to the order, the items print in the order they were entered in the system.

If you wish to change the Print/Invoice Order, change the Print/Invoice Order number to any number less than 255. As a recommendation, the Print/Invoice Order number can be entered in multiples of 10 (10, 20, 30, etc.). If a new item is entered, it can easily be inserted into the item list by setting the Print/Invoice Order number between the existing items. For example:

Item 402 - Print Order 10

Item 968 - Print Order 20

Item 171 - Print Order 30

To Change Print Order:

Click in the Print Order/Invoice Order field, and type the new Print/Invoice Order number. Once the number is changed, you will see the items reordered, listing the items from the lowest print/invoice order number to the highest. The order in which items appear on your screen is the order in which they will print.