GL: Import Budgets


The Import Budgets screen is available from the Budgets screen by clicking the Import Budgets button.

Note:  Although the Import Budgets button always displays on the Budgets screen, you must have the proper security permissions to access the GL Import Budgets screen. If you do not have the proper rights, you cannot view this screen.

The Budget Import feature will read budget information from a specifically formatted .xls file. The import will create the header records. A header record consists of a unique Fiscal Year and Job Number combination. Then the system will create the details that go with the header and link the two based on budget ID. See Importing Budgets for details on the format of the .xls file and how to import Budgets.

Key Functionality

Enter Path

Enter the location of the .xls file you want to use to import budgets. If you are not sure of the correct path, use the ellipsis button to browse for the correct file.

Ellipsis button

Click the ellipsis button to locate the .xls file.

Import button

Click Import to begin the import process. For more information, see Importing Budgets.

Note:  You can use the attached sample template for importing GL Budgets. Click on the link and choose Save As to download this file, sample file.

Budget for Financial Statement

Select the Budget for Financial Statement check box to import budgets and select the FS check box on the Budgets screen.

You must select this check box or the Budget for Job Costing check box.

Budget for Job Costing

Select the Budget for Job Costing check box to import budgets and select the JC check box on the Budgets screen.

You must select this check box or the Budget for Financial Statement check box.