GL: Journal Update Log


You can use the Journal Update Log to view updates made to the general ledger along with the log number, source, user name, date and time, number of records, and the debit and credit amounts.

Filter logs by the Posting Source, or sort any column by clicking on the column heading. Click the column heading once to sort the column in ascending order; click a second time on the same column heading to sort in descending order.

When a user posts to the General Ledger from any of the General Ledger Update screens, the following checks occur:

WinTeam first checks for transactions that will post to a month that is 'Closed' in the Fiscal Year Setup screen.

If transactions are identified that will post to a closed month, WinTeam will verify that the User has the security screen Feature to allow override of a closed fiscal period. For more information see Fiscal Year Setup. Transactions that are overwritten in this manner are flagged as an override on the GL Journal Update Log screen.

To unpost a journal, click the appropriate record line, then click the Unpost button.

The Unpost GL Log screen displays the information to be unposted.

You may reprint each journal. The TAJ Journal has options when choosing to reprint: choose whether to print a summary or detailed report and whether or not to print a GL / Job Recap.

Note on Hourly Labor $ and Avg Labor Rate on Labor Distribution Report:

If a user believes the Hourly Labor $ and or Avg Labor Rate on the labor accrual distribution journal are over-stated, this could be a result of salary hours included in the Hourly figure. The Labor figure will always be correct. Salary hours included on a line with hours and hourly labor could throw off the Hourly Labor $ and subsequently the Average Labor Rate. "Backing out" salary dollars from the Hourly Labor $ figure is not permitted as this information must be retained for the Labor Distribution report.

Labor can be accrued based on Timekeeping, Budgets or posted Payroll Batches.

Key Functionality