eHub: Setting Up Paychecks

Having PDF copies of Employee paychecks available in eHub gives companies a way for Employees to help themselves to copies of their previous paychecks. It also allows a way to distribute direct deposit stubs to Employees without having to mail or distribute a copy of the direct deposit stub to the Employee.

To make PDF copies of paychecks available for Supervisors and for Employees in eHub, first select the Store PDF Copy of Each Paycheck check box in the PAY: Defaults screen (Paycheck Properties tab) in WinTeam.

This option creates and stores a PDF copy of each paycheck as part of the Print Checks process. The Paycheck Layout Type is used as the format for the PDF. For more information, see Printing Checks and Storing PDFs in the WinTeam help files.

To give Supervisors access to their Employees' PDF paychecks or to give Employees themselves access to their own paychecks, simply add the Paycheck History screen to the Employee or Supervisor security group (and select the Allow Employee Lookup feature for Supervisors) in the eHub tab of the SYS: Security Groups screen.

Historical Paychecks

If you are new to eHub, but would like your Employees and/or Supervisors to have access to previous paycheck PDFs, click the Create PDFs for Historical Paychecks button in the Paycheck Properties tab of the PAY: Defaults screen.

Enter the appropriate information for Processing Options and a Starting Check Date. PDF paychecks can only be created for 15 months of history, starting from the first day of the current month. A message displays if the Starting Check Date is too far back.