eHub: Understanding Checkpoint Security and Permissions

The Checkpoints users have access to will be dependent on the Jobs they supervise, schedules, Quality Assurance groups and primary Job.

The following are Jobs that will appear on a user's Job Dashboard and in the Job search fields, as well as the Checkpoint permissions granted for each Job:

  • Jobs the user supervises (Supervisor only, eHub: Supervisor Hierarchy)
    • User can create a new Checkpoint
    • User can view, edit or complete "in progress" Checkpoints they have created
    • User can view all published Checkpoints
  • Jobs the user has worked the past 48 hours or is scheduled to work in the next 48 hours (from Personnel Scheduling) and/or Jobs the user has worked the past 7 days or is scheduled to work the next 7 days (from Timekeeping)
    • User can create a new Checkpoint
    • User can view, edit or complete "in progress" Checkpoints they have created
    • User can view any published Checkpoints they have created
  • Jobs in the user's Quality Assurance group (Supervisor only)
    • User can create a new Checkpoint
    • User can view, edit or complete "in progress" Checkpoints they have created
    • User can view any published Checkpoints they have created

For more on Quality Assurance group see QA Groups in WinTeam.

  • User's primary Job
    • User can create a new Checkpoint
    • User can view, edit or complete "in progress" Checkpoints they have created
    • User can view any published Checkpoints they have created

A completed Checkpoint will not be visible in eHub, even to user who created and completed it, until it has been published to eHub by an administrator.

An in progress Checkpoint will not be available to anyone but the user who created it until it has been completed and then published. Completed Checkpoints cannot be deleted or published in eHub.

If a user no longer has a Job in the lookup, the user cannot see "in progress", "completed" or published Checkpoints for that Job, nor can they create new Checkpoints for that Job.

Example:  A user supervises Jobs 10025, 10026 and 10027 and has worked at Jobs 10014 and 10012 in the last week. In addition, his primary Job is 10001, and the user is a member of a Quality Assurance Group that includes Job 10002.
The user would be able to create Checkpoints for all of the above Jobs and view, edit or complete any "in progress" Checkpoints he has created. The user also would be able to view any published Checkpoints that he created for the above Jobs. Finally, the user would be able to view all published Checkpoints, including ones he has not created, for Jobs 10025, 10026 and 10027 since he supervises those Jobs.

Example:  A user does not supervise any Jobs, but her primary Job is 10001. She has also worked at Jobs 10014 and 10012 in the past week.
The user would be able to create Checkpoints for all of the above Jobs and view, edit or complete any "in progress" Checkpoints she has created for those Jobs. In addition, she would able to view any published Checkpoints she created for the above Jobs.

Unpublished Checkpoints Permissions
  Performed by Current User Performed by Another User
Jobs Create Edit/Delete "In Progress" View "Complete" Edit "Complete" w/ Feature Create Edit/Delete "In Progress" View "Complete" Edit "Complete" w/ Feature
Primary x x x x x x
QA Group (Supervisor only) x x x x x x
TK/PS x x x x
Supervisor Hierarchy (Supervisor only) x x x x x x
Published Checkpoints Permissions
  Performed by Current User Performed by Another User
Jobs Create Edit/Delete "In Progress" View "Complete" Edit "Complete" w/ Feature Create Edit/Delete "In Progress" View "Complete" Edit "Complete" w/ Feature
Primary x x x x x
QA Group (Supervisor only) x x x x x
TK/PS x x x x x
Supervisor Hierarchy (Supervisor only) x x x