WS: Assigning Priority Groups and Levels to Tasks

On the WS: Task Codes screen, you can assign Priority Groups and Levels to manage Tasks that could potentially be scheduled on the same day, for the same Job.

If you schedule two or more Tasks with the same Priority Group on the same day (for the same Job), and select the WS: Ticket Details screen option Allow Priority Override, the Task with the highest Priority Level will override that of the lower level. Therefore, the higher Priority Level task will be completed, but the lower Priority Level Task will not. The Priority Override check box on the WS: Ticket Details screen for the lower level priority ticket will be selected by default.

If you schedule two or more Tasks with the same Priority Group on the same day (for the same Job), and you do not select the WS: Ticket Details screen Allow Priority Override option , both Tasks will be completed as scheduled.

Example:  In this example, we will assume you selected Allow Priority Override for all tickets/tasks listed.

Task ID Task Name Priority Group Priority Level
2405 Floor, Hard - Spray Buff FL 4
2409 Floor, Hard - Dust and Spot Mop FL 5
2903 Glass, Interior/Exterior – Wash G 4

If you schedule Task 2405 and 2409 on the same day, Task 2405 will be completed, while Task 2409 becomes a Priority Override. Since both Tasks have the same Priority Group, the higher Priority Level task overrides the lower level task.

If you schedule Task 2405 and 2903 on the same day, both tasks will be completed. Since these tasks do not have the same Priority Group, the Priority Level is not a factor.

Example:  In this example, we will assume that all Tickets are NOT marked to Allow Priority Override.

All Tasks will be completed.