Personnel Scheduling Meal and Rest Report

The TeamTime Meal and Rest report displays TeamTime records that are available from the Personnel Scheduling Update Schedules from TeamTime (PSTT) process. Records that are approved in the Update Schedules from TeamTime window can be reviewed for meal and rest compliance and edited if necessary. This report is accessed from the Personnel Scheduling module.

How do I use this report window?

To use this window, select the appropriate filters (details below) on the Criteria tab and then click the Proceed button to view the results.

The returned records display on the Results tab.

On this tab, use the Expand All button to expand all the nested record details and the Print/Preview button to open the report preview window that contains the print options.

Click the arrow in the Export button to export the displayed records in the following formats:

  • Excel Export
  • Excel Data Only (XLSX)
  • Export as a Flat File

View TeamTime Message Data

Click the icon in the far right column of the grid to view TeamTime message data (if it exists). When you click this icon, a pop-up grid displays that contains TeamTime message details for the selected shift record.

How do I use the filter fields?

Select the appropriate filter fields and then click the Proceed button to view the matching records on the Results tab.

Date Range

Use the Date Range fields to filter for records to review. The From and To fields default to the current date. The range can contain a maximum of 370 days.

When you enter a date range greater than 31 days, a message box displays to remind you the report may run slowly, and suggest the use of filters to reduce the size of the report.

If you enter a date range greater than 370 days, a message box displays to remind you the maximum date range is 370 days.

Record Options

Select to filter records by those that have been uploaded, those that have not been uploaded, or both.

Additional Filters

When the Use the calculated actual durations for Exceptions check box is selected, the records returned are based on the values in the Shift Duration (Actual Hrs) and the Meal Duration (Actual Min) column values. This field is selected by default.

Tip:  If you have your job set to round hours by the hundredths the Use the calculated actual durations for Exceptions field selected or not selected will return the same records. This field may return different records if you have the job set to round hours by quarters

Use the Hide shifts that are under __ hours field to display only shift records that are under the entered value. Select the check box and enter the hour value to filter.

Example:  In the grid below, entering a value of "6" would hide both shifts.

If you select the Combine shifts that are within __ minutes of start/end check box, the report displays records where an employee had more than one shift on the same day based on the value you entered. Select the check box and enter the hour value to filter. The matching records are displayed as a combined record and you can expand the nesting to view the details.

Tip:  The Meal 1 Timeliness field value is the difference between the shift start time and the meal start time.

Exception Types

Use the Missing Meal Number __ field to display records that are missing a specific meal period based on your meal and rest break settings in TeamTime Defaults. Select the check box and enter the meal period value you want to view.

Use the Meal Number __ Too Short field to display records where the meal period was not long enough based on your meal and rest break settings in TeamTime Defaults. Select the check box and enter the meal period value you want to view.

Select the Missing Breaks check box to display records where there were breaks not taken that should have been based on your meal and rest break settings in TeamTime Defaults.

Select the Breaks Duration Too Short check box to display records where the breaks taken were not long enough based on your meal and rest break settings in TeamTime Defaults.

Select the Missing In/Out Punch check box to display records that contain incomplete shift data due to missing punches.

Use the Meals taken after __ hours field to display records where the meal period was not taken in a timely manner. Select the check box and enter the value to filter by.

TT Messages Filter

Use the TeamTime Messages filters to filter on Action Item Created in TeamTime or shifts with certain answer types.

Category Records Filter

Use the Category Records fields to add additional filter criteria to your results. Use this link for additional information on this filter.

Tier Template Filter

Use the Tier Template fields to add additional filter criteria to your results. Use this link additional information on this filter.

Tip:  Along with this report, there are two additional meal and rest reports. Use this link for a summary of all three reports.