Checking In and Out with TeleTeam

The Check-In process begins when an Employee calls in, enters the Employee Number and presses 1 to Check In. In TeleTeam the call follows a structured order to check the Employee in to the correct Job. Refer to Understanding the Call Hierarchy for details on this process.

Multi-employee check in

If you have multiple employees ready to check in at the same time, use the * (star) to keep the call active and allow multiple employees to clock in using the same phone call. After an employee clocks in, press the * (star) key and hand the phone to the next employee to allow them to clock in within the same call. When using this feature, the clock in time for both the first employee and the last employee will be logged as the time of the start of the call.

Employee Last Status and Upload Threshold

The Check-In process is based on the Employee last status in TeamTime, that is, if an Employee checked in to a Job and then checked out of a Job, the last status would be "checked out." Therefore, the next time an Employee calls to check in, TeamTime would create a new record with the check in information. (Ideally, upon check in the last status would be checked out.) If done correctly, each hours record will contain, at a minimum, a check in time and a check out time.

When a TeamTime upload runs and an open hours record is found, TeamTime looks at the Upload Threshold. If the In Time plus the threshold setting is less than the upload time, that record will be uploaded as is.

Example:  For example, if an Employee checks in at 8:00 A.M. An upload is scheduled to run at 4:30 P.M. with an Upload Threshold of 8 hours. The Employee does not check out. The 8:00 A.M. check-in time plus 8 hours equals 4:00 P.M. Since that is before 4:30 P.M., the record will be closed and uploaded as is, with a check-in time only, when the upload runs.

Once a record has been uploaded, no modifications will be made to it. So, if a record is unresolved, meaning, it contains a check in time, but not a check out time, or vice versa, due to a missed punch, it will be uploaded in that state to WinTeam.

Again, ideally, each record will contain at minimum a check in and a check out time. For those records that do not, you can run the TeamTime Hours Review Report in WinTeam or the Hours Report in the Data Viewer to find the records that are mismatched or missing punches, etc.

Auto Call Check Out

The Auto Call Check Out function will check an Employee out of one job when the Employee checks in to another job depending on settings. Auto Call Check Out is set up at the Employee Classification level. Select the Auto Call Check Out check box to give Employees of the particular Classification this functionality.

A Max Hours value is required with the Auto Call Check Out function. Enter the maximum number of hours between the In Time of the prior Job and the In Time of the new Job. If the employee does not check in to another Job within the Max Hours entered, they are NOT automatically checked out of the previous Job.

Example:  Max Hours is set at 4. An Employee checks in to Job 1 at 8:00 A.M. and completes all tasks by 10:30 A.M. The Employee then calls to check in to Job 2. Since 10:30 A.M. is less than 4 hours from when the Employee checked in to Job 1, the system will automatically check the Employee Out of Job 1 when the Employee checks in to Job 2. The Employee calls to check out of Job 2 at 1:00 P.M.

Two separate records will be created in TeamTime for the two jobs. Job 1 will have a check in time of 8:00 A.M. and a check out time of 10:30 A.M. Job 2 will have a check in time of 10:30 A.M. and a check out time of 1:00 P.M.

Click this link to see the check in process flow chart.

Click this link to see the check out process flow chart.

Group Check In

Supervisors or Employees whose Classification includes "Group Call In" or "Group Call Out" will have the option to check a group of Employees in to or out of a Job.

For Group Check In, press 3

This option is available only if the Employee's Classification includes "Group Call In"

The caller is then asked to enter the Job Number and PIN (if assigned). PINs are assigned in the Employee Classification screen.

The system will then determine whether the Job has Automatic Group Check-In enabled. This option is set up in TeamTime Job Attributes.

If Automatic Group Check In is enabled, the system will determine whether there are Permanent Timecard (PTC) schedules that are within the tolerance of the call. PTCs are set up through the Employee or Job Master Files in WinTeam.

Note:  If no PTC schedules exist within the tolerance of the call, the setting changes to Available - Manual for the Job in TeamTime Job Attributes, meaning, the caller can manually check in a group of Employees by entering Employee Numbers.

If there are not PTC schedules within the tolerance, the system will prompt the caller to enter Employee Number followed by the # pound sign for all Employees to be checked in. When finished press * star key.

If there are PTC schedules associated within the tolerance of the call, the system will announce the number of persons assigned to the Job. Then,

  • To automatically accept all of them for Group Check In, press 1
  • To confirm each one, press 2. The system will announce each Employee Number assigned to the Job.
  • To check in, press 1
  • To skip, press 2
  • To finish, press the # pound sign. After pressing the # pound sign, the system will summarize and ask for confirmation:

You have confirmed Group Check in for # of people.

  • To accept this list for Group Check In, press 1
  • To announce the people in the list, press 2
  • To start over, press 3
  • To not accept any entries and return to the main menu, press 4. The caller will be taken back to the Group Check In main menu.
  • To enter exceptions only, press 3.

    This means the system will check in all Employees assigned to the Job, except the ones the caller enters here. The caller will be prompted to enter the Employee Number followed by the # pound sign. When finished, press the * star key. After pressing the * star key, the system will summarize and ask for confirmation:

# persons have been checked into this Job

  • To accept these entries and hang up, press 1
  • To announce the people checked in, press 2
  • To not accept any entries and return to the main menu, press 3
  • To separately enter each person, press 4
  • To cancel and return to the main menu, press 5. The caller will be taken back to the main check-in menu (see Basic Call Flow chart).