Updating Other Billing

Use this procedure to update Other Billing (items that are not based on hours worked).

To update other billing

  1. From the Personnel Scheduling Menu, click Personnel Scheduling Wizard.
  2. From the Wizard screen, select the Update Other Billing function, and then click Next.

  1. Filter using Tiers, and then click Next.

  1. Filter for Billing Frequencies, Other Billing Methods, and Other Billing Types, and then click Next.

  1. Enter the date range of Schedules you want to process. All records not previously updated for the selected Jobs that fall within the date range will update. Select Preview, and then click Finish to generate a report showing the other billing information to update.

  1. Review and edit any last minute changes through PS: Billing Review and Edit. Notice the Batch ID is included on each billing record.
    Quantity or Extension cannot be entered for billing methods of 'Percent' or 'Add On'.

Note:  Any percentage or add on items are calculated based on the calculated billing hours in AR: Invoices.

  1. Select Update or Update/Print, and then click Finish to complete the update process.
  2. A message displays to proceed with the update.

    Click No to return to the Date and Print options screen.
    Click Yes to continue.