Grouping PS Invoice Details by Additional Tier Description

This feature provides a way to group invoice line items by Additional Tier Descriptions and will subtotal at each of these levels. This grouping is essentially the equivalent of grouping by the "Level" of officer.

Each Additional Invoice Description will print a header line, followed by the details for that level. Subtotals are then printed at each of these levels.

In order to identify the Bill Categories that will group by their Additional Tier Description, you will need to select "Addl Tier Desc" from the "Sub Total By" list in the Bill Categories grid. The AR Update Schedules to Invoices will treat this category differently when invoices are created.

Note:  Sub Totals generate only when this is setup on jobs with separate invoices.

The Update Scheduling to AR Invoices program handles the subtotaling on the invoices by the Additional Tier Description.

If a Job has a Bill Category marked to "Sub Total By: Addl Tier Description", the system looks at the Detail Cell for each line item and determine if the line item has an Additional Tier Description.

If the Additional Tier Description does exist, then they are grouped by that description, and are displayed for that Job on the invoice. Each group contains a header line, followed by details and a subtotal line. A Grand Total line will display at the end of the invoice.

If a Bill Code Category is marked to "Sub Total By: Addl Tier Description", but an Additional Tier Description does NOT exist for a detail cell, they are added before all groupings that include Additional Tier Descriptions.

Update Scheduling to Invoices

Invoice Example

Items to be aware of:

  • The quantity Sub Total is calculated by adding up the Quantity detail lines that have "Hours" as their Unit of Measure. Only these items are included in the quantity sub total.
  • The extension Sub Total includes all detail lines.
  • Total Hours on the Grand Total line are calculated by adding up the Quantity of all detail line items on the invoice with a Unit of Measure equal to "Hours".