Deleting a Personnel Scheduling Batch

Batches can be deleted using the Personnel Scheduling Wizard.

To delete a Personnel Scheduling batch

  1. From the Personnel Scheduling Menu, click Personnel Scheduling Wizard.
  2. From the Wizard screen, select the Delete an Existing Batch function and then click Next.
  3. Select a batch to delete by highlighting the row of the batch you want to delete, and then click Finish.
  4. This message displays. Click Yes.
  5. If the batch has already been billed using a Batch Description of "Other Billing or 'Hourly Billing', you will receive a message stating that the batch has already been deleted.

  6. Once the batch is deleted the Status updates to 'Deleted'.

WinTeam looks to the Batch ID to identify and flag records as 'unposted' when deleting a batch, removing the link to the batch.

Note:  Any batch that is deleted will not be reflected in Timekeeping.