PAY: Check Processing Wizard—Show All Batches

The Show All Batches screen displays all batches that have been processed in descending Batch ID order.

The Batch Type column indicates the type of batch that was created.

  • Automatic - Automatic Check Batch
  • Single - Single Entry check
  • Hand - Handwritten Check batch
  • Void - Voided Check batch
  • Tax Adj. - Tax Adjustment
  • Comp. - Adjustment made to Compensation
  • Deduct - Adjustment made to Deduction
  • Lbr Acc. - Labor Accrual batch
  • W-2c Adj - W-2c Adjustment

Each batch will have a Status of one of the following:

  • Blank - This indicates that the batch has not been printed or updated to the General Ledger.
  • Posted - This indicates that the batch has been updated to the General Ledger. To view the GL Log# with which the transaction was posted and/or speed the process of un-posting and/or reprinting GL entries, the GL: Journal Update Log screen may be accessed by double-clicking a record's blue Posted status.
  • Printed - This applies only to Automatic Check and Single Entry Check batches. They have not been updated to the General Ledger.
  • Deleted - This indicates that the batch has been deleted.

Double-click on the Batch ID to view the Supplemental Information screen for the batch.

Once you click Finish, The Payroll Review and Edit Paychecks screen displays the checks in the batch.