Setting Up a Salaried Employee in Job Budgets

Use this procedure to add wages from a salaried person to Job Budgets.

  1. Calculate the hourly wage for the salary person.

Example:  If a person works 40 hours a week and is paid $1200.00 per pay period, and there are 26 pay periods in a year, the calculation is as follows:
$1200.00 salary per pay period X 26 pay periods = $31200.00
$31200.00 / 2080 hours (40 hours X 52 weeks) = $15.00

  1. Add a line in the Budget Details grid.
  2. Select the Salaried check box.

When you run reports such as the Hours Budget Comparison, you will need to select the Include Salary Hours Budget check box. Selecting this option forces the system to look at each line item in the Budget that has the Salaried check box selected, and then includes those hours on reports.