JOB: Job Costing Custom Settings

Section Item Value Module and Purpose
JobCost Export True This setting provides an icon on the On Screen Job Cost Report in order to allow Job Cost table to export to CreaTeam. If you select the Print Hours check box, OT Hours, Actual Hours, and Budgeted Hours will also export.
Job AutoEndBudgetsAndSchedules Yes This custom setting automatically inactivates daily budgets and related work schedules when a job is changed from active to inactive in the Job Master File. A message box displays to inform you that daily budgets have been cleared and related work schedules have been inactivated for the job (if there are only budgets, the message only references budgets, if there are no budgets, it only references work schedules).
JOBS AllowHourly Yes This custom setting makes a check box labeled Hourly Billing display on the Budgets tab of the Job Master File. This check box allows you indicate if a job should be considered hourly billing in the eHub Hours Budget Comparison report. By default, all jobs are considered fixed fee unless this check box is selected. When it is selected, the over budget hours display in green, and the under budget hours display in red in the eHub Hours Budget Comparison report.
Jobs DisableCustomFields #,#,# This custom setting allows custom fields to be disabled on the Custom Fields tab in the Job Master File.
Jobs ImportBudgetHistory Yes This setting allows for Budget Detail (grid) records to be imported from an excel spreadsheet. If there are multiple lines within the spreadsheet for the same Job and Effective date, one Budget History record is created with the appropriate budget details. This updates the pay rate that is at the bottom of the Job screen in the budget details.
Jobs ImportDailyBudgets Yes This setting allows for importing daily budgets records to be imported from an excel spreadsheet. This setting allows you to import specific dates for specific jobs to update the GL # for dollars, hours, and taxes and Insurance amounts to be reflected only on budget reports. This only uses the pay rate for the calculation of the budget dollars.

Note:  The info that is imported will only display in budget reports, (not in the Budget Details grid of the Job Master File, Budgets tab). For example, the imported info will display in the JOB: Hours Budget Comparison Report.

Jobs OverrideSickPayRate Yes When this custom setting is enabled, addition columns display in the grid in the in the JOB: Hours Categories window. You use these columns to override the sick pay rate. See Sick Pay Rate Override for details.
Jobs RequireAddress Yes This setting requires the Job Address1, City, State, and Zip Code fields.
Jobs RequireContractedRegularHours Yes This setting makes the Weekly Contracted Regular Hours field on the Job Requirements tab of the Job Master file required.
Jobs RequireContractedOTHours Yes This setting makes the Weekly Contracted OT Hours field on the Job Requirements tab of the Job Master file required.
Jobs RequireCustomerNumber True This setting makes the Customer Number field on the Accounting Info tab of the Job Master File required.
Jobs RequireSalesTax Yes This setting makes the Sales Tax City and County fields required entries on the Job Master File.
Jobs RestrictTiersToFirstDay Yes This setting restricts Dated Tiers to being entered to the first day of the month on the JMF. In Tier History new and edited rows are limited to the last day of the month. Existing rows do not need to be updated to the last day of the month on Show Tier History.
Jobs TierHistoryPeriodClose Yes This setting prevents Dated Tiers in the JMF from being altered for Fiscal Periods that are closed.