INV: Performing a Physical Count

The physical count screen has three main functions:

  • The first is to print a Tally Sheet for use in completing a physical count of the inventory. Selecting the Tally Sheet button prints the Tally Sheet. This sheet may be used to record the physical inventory counts of each item.
  • The second function allows for the entry of the Physical Count numbers that were recorded on the Tally Sheet.
  • The final option allows for printing the Physical Count Analysis report. This report lists the inventory counts along with the variances between the quantity counted and the WinTeam's count of the inventory. You may make adjustments to inventory through the Adjustments screen option.

To print a Tally Sheet:

  1. From the Inventory menu, click Physical Count.
  2. Select the Warehouse you are going to perform the physical count.
  3. Once you select a Warehouse that has a previous Physical Count taken, the last Physical Count date defaults to the Physical Count Date field.

Note: The Get/Refresh Items button does not need to be selected to print the Tally Sheet.

  1. Press the Tally Sheet button, then press the Print button from the Preview screen.

To view a past Physical Count record

  1. To view past Physical Count record enter the appropriate Physical Count Date, or use the Date Control to select the date.

The information relative to the Physical Count on the selected date will display.

  1. Click the Get/Refresh Items button to initiate the search for the inventory on the selected Physical Count Date. Based on the date entered, the system finds all of the Items for the selected warehouse and calculates the Quantity On Hand for each item as of this date. This information can then be compared to the actual Physical Count and, if necessary, adjustments can be made to get the Quantity On Hand amount to equal the Physical Count number.

Note: The Get/Refresh Items button must be selected before printing the Physical Count Analysis report (Print Analysis button). The label of the button changes to Refresh Items once the record is saved.

Taking the count

  1. Enter the date you want to record the Physical Count. The date is very important since the system uses it to figure what the Quantity On Hand should be for each item based on the activity of the item through this date. Make sure that all Usage/Sold, Received, Adjustment, Transfers, and Drop Shipment information has been entered before pressing the "Get Items" button. Whatever the calculated Quantity On Hand amounts are at that time the "Get Items" button is pressed will be compared to the actual Physical Count.
  2. Click the Tally Sheet button to print a Tally Sheet to use when recording your actual count for each item as you are taking your Physical Inventory in your Warehouse. This report prints in Warehouse Order first, Bin Location second and Item Description third.
  3. Once the Tally Sheet button is pressed, the Tally Sheet displays on the screen in preview mode.
  4. Click Print (or the Print button). The print order of the Tally Sheet is also the order the items display in the Physical Count Details grid, and the Physical Count Analysis Report.
  5. Perform your physical count and fill in the Tally Sheet.
  6. Enter the inventory count number from the Tally Sheet into the Physical Count Details grid.
  7. Click the Print Analysis button to generate the Physical Count Analysis Report. This report should be printed after entering the physical inventory count off of the tally sheets. The Physical Count Analysis Report lists the Quantity Difference between the computer inventory count and the physical count of the inventory.
    The report shows a Quantity Difference of 0 (zero) if there was no variance between the counts. If the computer count was higher than the physical count, the quantity difference will be a negative number. If the computer count was lower than the physical count, the quantity difference will be a positive number.

To commit the adjustments based on the difference in the Physical Count Details.

  1. Enter the Job # to use for committing the Adjustment record.
  2. Select the Commit Adjustments button to create an Adjustment record based on the Difference in the Physical Count Details. The Adjustment posts to the General Ledger and corrects the Quantity On Hand counts.

For more information see Creating Adjustments.